Orders/Covens/Mentors in Witchcraft!

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Orders/Covens/Mentors in Witchcraft!

Post#1 » Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:37 pm


I am looking for some kind of Association/Order/Coven who works in the line of Witchcraft!

Like the Cultus Sabbati! I am looking for a context! I am in need of exchanging experiences, discuss diffrent kind of phenomenas, get new idéas and other stuff!

I am working within both light and dark magick - such as darker strains of Gnoticism, The Qlippoth, Nightside of Eden, Curses etc but also with positive Magick! I am fascinated by the Nature and I am very eclectic, picking the best out of every current but it feels pretty lonley not to have anyone to discuss this type of matters with!

Nature and naturespirits are a very important matter to me and very central in my line of Magical workings but I am very open! I would be very delighted to hear from You! :)



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