Mugwort and similar herbs for Astral vision

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Mugwort and similar herbs for Astral vision

Post#1 » Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:24 pm

For a few months I used mugwort in my pillow slip instead of drinking it and forgot it was there. Around the time of starting my energy healing attunements I would get visited by a lot of ghostly entities looking to take my energy. If we touched I would feel the most shocking energy that would wake me up if I wasn't already.

Then I took the mugwort out to wash the pillow. Did not have any instances except for one for several weeks. I assumed originally it was the healing practice that was causing this issue (or causing me to see it) but Infact it was the mugwort I think.

I took mugwort tea last night say a shadowy like ghost looking from around the corner where my alter was. This of course was during the state between sleep and awakening fully before I can move. I believe the mugwort works but extending your time in this state. I felt like I could have left my body at one point but I didn't want to do it alone. Especiay not with a figure in my room. I noticed it follows the line of already placed shadows. But I've also seen moving shadowy figures in broad daylight after a nap.

*So does mugwort really work to see the astral plane always or can it make you hallucinate as well? I ate a marajuana edible and then layed on my pillow and saw translutant animal like figures walking around me. I assumed it was a hallucination but maybe I was seeing some sort of attachment. Shadows are known to play on people's minds even when people are sober.

*i heard mugwort can make you have a heavy cycle of you ingest it which is why I used it only in my pillow before. What can you take regularly to increase your senses without menstrual complications.

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