Enochian Beginner for a catholic

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Enochian Beginner for a catholic

Post#1 » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:17 pm

I'm a beginner at this stuff and especially a Catholic. It would nonsense and insane to tell my parents, family or friends that I'm in Enochian. At this point in time, I don't have my own house or apartment to practice the rituals I rather do the invocation or evocation without any candles and etc for the time being as a beginner.

Here are the questions I need asking:

1. I heard that it is possible to practice Enochian without any rituals? As a beginner, I just want to start off speaking to lesser entities and work my way up.

2. I have 2 Harry Potter Journals. Is their any websites that translate English words to Enochian?

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