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Getting Material Things By Ophiel

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:36 pm
by Brother_Moloch_969
Getting Material Things
By Ophiel
Copyright 1973

To start this essay broadly and then to narrow it down is my intention. Firstly, just how far-much can Inner Plane 'workings' influence the outer Physical Plane? The answer is, in general, some; to a precise point, no. by that, I mean it is possible by using Inner Plane Power to effect changes on the out Material Plane, but not directly, and only within certain very special limits, and not often instantaneously.

I know this is rather disappointing news for those who are in physical need and want to turn to the inner Planes for assistance on this physical plane and who need help at once. All things are relative to each other in time and space (Earth time and Earth space.) and you must start sometime, go on from the starting point, and grow into the use of Occult Knowledge, leading to Power. But, please remember physical action is needed to supplement occult WORKINGS. We all would love to have a direct control over dear old Matter, and I know of one instance of DIRECT INFLUENCE ON MATTER, but I'm afraid, one not very usable or practical.

I had occasion to run a hotel in a rather poor neighborhood many years ago. I fitted up the rooms with new furnishings and rented them to persons of a certain race, which I will not name, as that is not the point. To my amazement in about six months the place looked like a shambles. For example, in my own home we had had window shades for 30 years and they were still good and good-looking. In six months even the window shades in the hotel were in tatters and rags. The linens had disintegrated, and even the new paint had become dingy.

After a studied meditation process, I arrived at the surprising discovery, to me, that the members of this race hated their surroundings, had no regard for their own property, nor for the property of others, and it was this intense hate and disregard directed against their surroundings that destroyed the physical material around them!!!! These conclusions were my own, but I feel, reasonably accurate. I know of no way to make a controlled test of my theory, but I might suggest that slums may reflect the mental attitude of the people who occupy them. Leaving out of consideration any conclusion that the occupancy is forced, or that the slums are occupied by enslaved noble souls who have to live there. My experience has shown me that the 'noble' persons forced into the slums temporarily stay there only long enough to gather themselves together and leave those surroundings for others better suited to their 'nobility.'

I admit that this example is a little obtuse in regard to direct mental control over matter, but please ponder on it and see if you can find guidance from these ideas. Could it be that those people who value their surroundings and who love and cherish their possessions find that their possessions are 'preserved' and stand up for years, as my family shades did. To return, to the conception of getting, ‘Material Things’ through, ‘Mental Magic.’

Yes, it can be done, but the process is not like that of waving a ‘magic wand.’ There are people who are naturally successful without inner plane help, but if you were to examine their lives, you would find that there existed a definite pattern, both a physical pattern and a mental pattern, that did it. And this same type of thing is what you must embody into your life, too. On other words, -change you’re thinking! - AND, - how many people really change their thinking? WELL! You can but try! Even changing your thinking for short periods can have some effect for beneficial changes.

Now, how much must you change your thinking and what kind of change exactly is required? Your ‘change in thinking,’ has to be of the nature of a 'complete reversal' of the "worldly" and accepted manner of "world" thinking. What does this, ‘change’ really mean? First, - You must stop regarding the physical plane as "real" in the sense that "solid" means "real". You must start to think of the "solid" plane as an "illusion," something ‘counter’ to the world's accepted image/idea of it all. Second, - You must begin to ‘think and act’ just the 'opposite' of the way the world thinks and acts.

These changes require that you also strengthen your ‘inner convictions’ to match the changes and this is certainly no easy thing to ‘Do.’ And I can offer you no real personal help to make it easier. No one but, ‘YOU!’ can strengthen your Inner Self. This strengthening is a process of growing and growing in spite of all setbacks and results of cycles, of "hopes deferred" and all the screwball tactics that make up "living life", this physical life. I certainly don't mean to sound gloomy, by no means.

Actually, to understand the construction of "ALL" and to master your own 'Life LIVING' is the greatest achievement in, ‘All’ the universe, and should thrill you to the core of your being. And this achievement is done through KNOWLEDGE. KNOWLEDGE of your - Self, - KNOWLEDGE of the ‘Machinery of the Universe,’ - And, - Your acquired Knowledge of how to "RUN THE MACHINERY OF THE UNIVERSE' in regard to your own personal self.

In these few pages I cannot give 'ALL KNOWLEDGE.' I aim to give out something in each ‘writing’ and in time, to get a great deal of it out. (And I am not doing this to extend the bulk of my writing, but because the scope of this material is very large.) Please study the following basic-basic and assimilate this knowledge into your 'BEING'. A great deal of 'TRUTH' is here given. The next Inner Plane is full of Light. This Light is the 'SUBSTANCE' of the Secondary God. I call this 'LIGHT SUBSTANCE' the 'Astral Light' (Star Light) (My pet name.)

EVERYTHING in our physical existence is connected to, related to, concerned with, the Astral Light. For the rest of this Vignette I will list the names, other names, by which the Astral Light has been 'DISCOVERED' and 'NAMED' by occultists and metaphysicians through and over the centuries. As each came upon this 'Light Substance' in turn, used it, and then named it, the name he gave depending somewhat upon the 'QUALITY' of the 'Light' used. The following are names for the Great Agent:
Prana, Holy Ghost, Elemental Forces, Cosmic Magnetism, Magnetic Fluid (Mesmer,) Keys of the Kingdom, Living Water, Vril, Hidden Agent, Logos (Gnostic,) Chameleon, Flor Salis Albi (Flower of White Salt,) Philosopher's Stone, Elixir of Life, Demiurge (Greek,) Half-God, Animal Magnetism (Mrs Eddy = Christian Science) Para Brahman, Absolute Substance.

The 'Core Knowledge' of this Vignette is that you, ‘Learn’ about the, ‘Existence’ of the Astral Light and then from then on, you take the, ‘Existence’ of this Great Agent into all your calculations. Generally speaking you can learn how to manipulate the Agent so that it will not harm you and can benefit you. Learn and Work. As I have said before and will say again and again, this life is a very "queer" thing it is said that we "came" from a free "space" and here we are 'confined.' Some kind of lesson is to be 'Learned' a way of 'escape' is to be found the above is a start.

© Edward C. Peach