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When you’ve been blocked magickally

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:28 am
by Eternal Idol
Lately my magick seemed to have hit a wall. I was getting very little response from spirits and having no success in my workings. I kept feeling like I was being blocked. So I called upon Lucifer and asked if I was being blocked. I use regular playing cards for yes/no questions. The answer was yes I am being blocked. I asked if it was me causing the block and I got no. I asked could the block be removed and I got yes. I searched the site and didn’t find a thread on unblocking. What are some ways that you all unblock your magick? My abilities to talk to spirits is not real good so I have to rely upon cards and a pendulum for most answers. I asked him for advice in the tarot cards but I haven’t quite figured out what he is saying. How do you unblock your workings or how would you proceed? Thank you for all your suggestions and help!