Jailbroken Orisha/Lwa evocation

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Jailbroken Orisha/Lwa evocation

Post#1 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:47 am

More of a conversation starter...

But I have recently seriously been considering evoking a specific Orisha/Lwa, without worrying about whether I had my head read, or been kanzo'd or any of the trappings of ATR religions that have accrued over the years.

Now, this is definitely not "cultural appropriation" ... As a recent conversation with an Ifa priest confirmed to me, they have a universal essence, that is only different from culture to culture due to human beliefs and myths.

I have something in mind along the lines of how Paul Huson laid out to evoke Vassago. Definitely not a trad evocation ritual.

So let me have it ... how I might destroy myself since I didn't get mounted in a vodou ceremony, or how you might do it.

I have a very simple way that I have evoked the entities of the solomonic grims that doesn't resemble the methods in the books at all. I've had appearances, able to compare descriptions with traditionalists that were almost exactly similar, and gotten the results I sought from the operations.

I'm still working out the ritual tech, so can't lay that out here yet. I wouldn't anyway until I give it a shot.

But thoughts, threats, scare stories, anything?

(Not putting this in the ATR subforum, because I've come to believe the diaspora trads belong to the entities, but the entities don't belong to the ATRs)


Ars non Fortuna

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