Tibetan dream magic

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Adeptus Major
Posts: 1219

Tibetan dream magic

Post#1 » Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:33 am

Hi everyone,

Still on my quest for lucidity in dreams I started a journey in Tibetan dream magic couple of days ago, helped with that book : http://www.amazon.fr/The-Tibetan-Yogas- ... 1559391014

One of the axis of the tibetan view is contrary to all that I have tried to achieve in my quest of lucidity.

Usually when you work on lucid dreaming, you're told to make many reality checks everyday after asking to yourself "am I dreaming ?". Obviously you will see that you are not dreaming, but doing so over and over you will ask yourself the same question while dreaming and then see that you are dreaming when performing the reality check.

Honestly I had poor results with that method. No matter how often and how long I would ask me whether or not I was dreaming, I didnt end up asking me that questions in dreams.

The tibetan view is totally opposite since EVERYTHING is a dream. There is no distinction between the waking and sleeping state like in the traditional lucid dreaming approach.
Since everything is a dream, the awareness which is yours during the waking state will be the one you have in the sleeping state. I'm over simplifying the thing.

I started two days ago, considering that all that I was experiencing during the day was impermanent and a dream. Not that easy at first.

During the second day (yesterday) I reached a point where all that I could see around me during the day seemed fake to me. Moreover I had also the feeling to be a mere spectator, like being in a movie. Quite odd.

During the afternoon I meditated 40 minutes and when arrived the moment to go to bed, I did the following things :

- I told myself that was the time for me to go from one dream state (the waking state) to another dream state (the sleeping state). Doing so I aknowledge the fact that I'm not entering in a new state of counsciousnsess but that I am continuing it.

- instead of going to sleep in my bed, I layed down on my tiled floor. Was it as bad as it seems when you read it now ? Honestly ? Yeah, that sux. Incomfort is quite important (we, westerner are so accustomed to our big comfy bed !) but incomfort equal light sleep which equal to more lucidity. Deep sleep is the ennemy of lucidity in dreams.

- Once laying down on the tiled floor I meditated. I visualised a red lotus in my throat which is also part of the tibetan dream work.

- Alongside with the meditation I told myself as a mantra that I would aknowledge during the night that all that would happen was a dream and therefore being aware of that state.

I dont know how long did I stay in that position on the floor. Maybe some hours. I didnt really fell asleep. I tried to sleep in the lion's posture recommended by the tibetans, but holy cow, how one can sleep this way ?! I remained a part of the night on my right side but couldnt really fall alseep.

So after some hours, I stood up and went back in my bed. It was maybe 2am. I woke up once, then went back to bed and then had lots of dreams. Most of them concern lwas so I keep them for my vodou teacher, but here are the ones concerning the dream work :

I dreamt that I was in a mansion with some women.
At the center of the room was like a chair or something like that.
Women put me in that chair and made it spin around.
So I found myself spinning and spinning and spinning.

When I met my HGA it all began with me spinning in my dreams. Spinning is a great way to stabilize one's lucidity once aware in the dream but is also a very good way to become lucid.

So, here was my "free pass" to lucidity. Unfortunately, I couldnt catch the opportunity and become lucidly aware.

Then I had a second dream :

I was in some kind of schoolyard with various people coming in and out.

At one moment I turn my head and I see carved on the ground a triangle of fluorescent colour. I'm curious about it and ask to a man what this triangle is.

- this is what can allow you to astral project.
- really ?
- Yup. Go on it and you will have an astral projection.

So I get closer to that triangle, ready to walk on it. But the man says :

- Careful though. You have to first leave your body, otherwise when the triangle open under your feet you will fall..

I dont know what to do with that statement and do nothing. Then a black guys arrives, tells something I dont recall, and then I woke up.

It was interesting to have both those dreams and especially the second one explicitly mentioning astral projection and a device allowing me to astral project.

So I would say that those 2 days of working the tibetan dream work is gently paying off.

However I am at the start of the process and have very tiny knowledge about it, hence this thread.

Are there some magicians here who work Tibetan dream magic ? It would be awsome since I have quite some questions to ask to improve and go further in that path that I feel can be very rewarding in this journey.

Cheers all ! :)

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