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Post#1 » Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:41 am

I'm contemplating a short scrying experiment from The Cambridge Book of Magic. It involves the usual crystal stone and an angel called Onely (Oneli).

Problem is, I don't know who this Onely is supposed to be. I initially thought it a typo, but the back notes indicate a connection with the spirit/angel Honely 'who is called into a crystal to detect theft in the Munich Handbook (Kieckhefer (1997), pp. 244-5)'

Digging deeper through my library, I found the creature/s(?) again in the Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet:

'Then you shall write on the Stone or Glass with olive oil these names Onele vell Onele. For Onele will show the deed how it was done And Onele what thou shalt ask of him.'

The only (pun intended) similarity between the three experiments is a proclivity for revealing stuff in a crystal stone.

I don't like going in completely blind, without sigil and some smidgen of context, so, if anyone has any extra information or has worked with the entity before, please come forward and share.

:Thank You
Nullius in verba.

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