Thoughts on Pathworking?

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Thoughts on Pathworking?

Post#1 » Tue Oct 11, 2022 6:33 am

Hi everyone, just curious on your thoughts on pathworking & meditative exercises to work with spirits/angels/deities. From what I've seen, they seem to utilize a trance or meditative state to connect with them on an astral level. This is meeting them halfway rather than evoking them to our own presence. My concern, however, is that a lot of these experiences can be projections rather than genuine perceptions and contact. While reading Josephine McCarthy's musings on the subject, she roughly said a guided meditation will simply be the meditation itself to an initiate, while it should take on a life of "its own" to an adept. I'm not sure if this means that unless the meditation takes on a life of its own, the spirit is not successfully contacted?

Does anyone have a resource they found really valuable while pursuing pathworking themselves? I recently just got "Angelic Magick" by Judith Page on the subject, which seems to have been endorsed by Aaron Leitch on the foreword! It has a lot of traditional symbolism and good research, but there are some aspects that are a bit... 'huh...' to me.

Any other thoughts on this mode of spirit work would also be greatly appreciated!

Cheers :angelic

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