Sebek is somewhere in Primordial Hod, meditations...

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Sebek is somewhere in Primordial Hod, meditations...

Post#1 » Sun Jul 21, 2013 8:37 pm

" I am the dogged intelligence, who by knowing and not knowing, waking and sleeping, determine Friend from Foe."


The INTELLIGENCE who by...

Expectancy of Doom begets the Salvation of the Light

Who by deliverance of decay begets regeneration

Who by sitting and standing, who by moving and stillness, Do and Do Not

I am Neither nor nor Yes.

I am the the sudden stop at the wall of obliteration
which destroys itself
and returns reborn
to ride the Fiery Current of the Light.

The immovable object when it is challenged by the unstoppable force, devouring itself by snapping Its Jaws Shut

I am the rager who by not raging, seethes the waves to topple towers with Fire beneath the Earth
As the Sun finds its way.

I am eating and shitting
Destroying and Building

the humility of willing that Ultimate Defiance
which by Virtue of None Virtue
Descends beneath the fires of the earth,
ascends and descends again to the lair beneath the waters
ascends and ascends again to the Heavens

By sitting upon the throne of the Emperor
whose granite is made of Fire
Whose hammer is a Mace but not Iron (lol)

who by sitting upon the grounds of the impoverished
whose shirt is made of bitter disatisfaction and embraced malice
By being bitter to malice and disatisfied from what is embraced
sit upon the throne of both
the King and Queen

Who art the sun above the holy firmament
and the moon the highest priest of magick
reflecting her Light beneath the Darkened Waves

Therein lies knowing and not knowing, by being aware of and unaware of,

the Sun is one eye

the moon the other

the void the face

of our old and warey god

void is that air which glues all aspects of Life

thus is the manifestation of God by the Vibration of Air

the Thunderous Word Found in Silence

the Trees are His Beard

We are only Man And Woman

The struggle to live and the struggle not to die

therein war is life!

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