The wax Sigil of Aemeth in the Dee mss, and its size

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The wax Sigil of Aemeth in the Dee mss, and its size

Post#1 » Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:06 pm

So I'm reading Geoffry Jame's book/translation of parts of Dee's manuscripts, and i've gotten to the part about making the wax disk for the sigl. The text says 9 inches in diameter with a roundness of 27 inches or more....

I'm trying to wrap my head around that - either that's a major typo on the part of the author and/or publisher, a snafu on Dee/Kelley's part, or i;m completely misinterpreting it.

a circle with a 9 inch diameter is going go have a "roundness" or circumference of about 54.5 inches.....if "roundness" means area, that comes out to about 254.5 inches. Perhaps that 27 inches is ment to be a referene to the disc being more dome shaped than "disc" shaped...and the "dome" of the sigil is ment to be 27 inches. Of course that might be difficult with the thickness being 1.25 to 1.5 inches...
gonna have to think about this and see if I can wrap my head around it...
any thoughts?

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