Practical Enochian Material with Ceremonial Format

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Practical Enochian Material with Ceremonial Format

Post#1 » Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:44 pm

Most Enochian Books have no Practical knowledge, For instance, Lon Milo Duquettes enochian vision magick is basically the set up of the temple and the tools and a prayer or two. I googled some books for practical knowledge but there seems to be none out there, and the books i've reviewed.

does anybody know where I can get practical knowledge of dees Heptarchia Mystica? the second on the Great Table? and the third on the thirty Aires? following John Dee and Edward Kelley’s revelations in chronological order?

Its most annoying to find stuff that has bits and pieces but no practical knowledge.. Why write the damn books anyways if theres no substance?

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