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My first conjuration - NEED YOUR GUIDANCE

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:59 am
by X-GUY
I've just done my first conjuration (or at least tried) based on the Fr. Rufus Opus' Seven Spheres book. I started with Jupiter and did the rite on the day and at the hour of Jupiter to conjure Angel Sachiel. Used my finger instead of a wand and used Tibetan singing bowls sound track as the mood music. The rest of the components is described in the book. You can see my setup in the picture below.


Being my first time, I did not feel any presence nor did see anything in the crystal ball. :jkj I recited the conjuration script a few times and trusted that the spirit has arrived. Asked the spirit for initiation into its sphere and then gave the license to depart.

To those of you who have experience, do you remember your first conjurations? Did you feel a presence or saw anything in the scrying medium from the beginning? :|