Two man Scrying team

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Two man Scrying team

Post#1 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:56 pm

Last night after 10pm. I began an evocation/scrying experiment with Kingdoms of the Flames. The result, as far as the effects within the room were astounding to say the least.

Circle with chair in the middle, an altar with the triangle laid upon it, the kingdom square under the mirror stand, black mirror and an incense burner and candle behind the mirror.

We used white copal incense and one other candle so I could read the conjurations I had prepared.

I wore my black caped hood and the sorcerer's seal. The scryer wore regular clothes.


We did the initial clearing, opening of the gate and conjuration of the spirit.

The room began getting blazing hot, as if we had turned on a furnace or had roaring fire going. No heat was turned on, the windows were open and we live up in the EVERYTHING was quite cool when we started.

The energy being raised was intense and the room itself seemed to turn on and off in waves, like someone flipping a switch. The room literally would be there and then fade away like we were being shifted from some misty other realm and back to our own...reality itself was being turned on it's head in some sort of inter-dimensional overlap. The veil was obviously wide open during this ceremony. I and my scryer were pouring sweat.

At first only blue colors began appearing, then various other blue shapes appeared upon the surface of the mirror. Upon my command to show itself in a human form, a face outline, like the old Communist propaganda posters appeared to my scryer and left. The sensation in the room was the same one feels when they are being stared at by a stranger in public from the side. You feel someone looking at you before noticing them actually doing it. Something had showed up on the other side of the mirror. Many faces appeared but none were a constant...coming and going. I commanded it to communicate to my scryer in a way he could understand, either verbally or internally.

No communication was achieved.

The energy of the room was intense and after an hour of ritual I was exhausted from it. Upon closing and cleansing the space....everything immediately cooled. To the point of being cold.

I consider the whole thing a success in that much improvement has been made in contact last night. Next, we go for keeping the spirit in a singular and steady form and achieve communication.

I am very excited with how this went. Though, to be honest, in retrospect the entire room appearing to transport us from one place to another is a little discomforting, but so be it.
Gunter Gray

"The Universe does not revolve around your cup of semen" - Gromvol

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