Elubatel Art of Change

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Elubatel Art of Change

Post#1 » Wed Nov 21, 2018 6:57 am

My intent with this post is to relate some different experiences regarding change with Elubatel...though before I get into my learnings over the years, I'll catch up those that are familiar with my story to the most recent happenings.

Things are still on with Elubatel, it's background now for several years, daily living. Every 6 months like clockwork, the next step evolves. One item of interest over this time has been that I get "whisperings" now. If anyone remembers the experiments with Vassago a while back where I evoked for protection and got the whispers in my ear about pending doom, typically while traveling, and when to gamble for my "treasure" It's very much like that now, just at scale it would seem.

The latest was about 7 months ago as I was waking up one morning I heard, "Get a new job today." These things get so common that really they tend to get dismissed. By around 10am there was a very urgent, "Look now! New job!" okay okay. So I opened a job board and there was an interesting job there so I applied and was pinged back by the recruiter 10 minutes after I sent off the resume. Things snowballed from there and three weeks later I put in my 2 week notice at the current job.

Two months into the new job, my old job was eliminated. Dodged that bullet. Three months into the new job I'm one day working on restructuring a data cube design and getting a little frustrated with what my predecessors had done to the systems and the whisper comes, "Just relax, this isn't going to last." When the announcement showed up there was a new CEO transitioning in I heard it again, "This place will close, it will be fine for you. Don't tell anyone." Then there was a quarterly company financial review where the new and outgoing CEO told us how everything was awesome and they're investing X million into our division, etc. Voice again, "Poor souls don't know. Don't say anything."

Three weeks later we were told the entire division is closing. The parent corporation failed in their own product lines and their stockholders are suffering so they are cutting ours like a gangrenous toe off the beast that needs to feed. (heh...love melodrama)

I was the only one not teary eyed as my manager stood in front of 80 people to tell them we won't have jobs after the new year.

Silence from El though. I asked one day while I listened to people sobbing walking into and out of the HR office across the hall, "So, El...get my resume ready or we just going to see if someone with some spare millions is gonna buy this place in 6 weeks?" The response was "Do nothing about it."

So I do nothing. I've been doing nothing about it for three weeks now. Yesterday I received email from the (let me make this as impressive as possible lol) World Wide Vice President of Information Systems of the parent company. I also received an email from the CEO of a prominent proppant company. I like people with heaty titles, they are more direct than most people. Both emails said exactly this. "I've heard good things about you, do you have time this week for a conversation?"

So first conversation is presumably today and the second is presumably next Wednesday. I learned really fast to let go and let it flow so we will see what happens.

One intimidating thing though...I asked El why I should be put into such toxic corporate environments. For the last few years I've been in startups albeit ones that corporations have started internally or by way of acquisition. The answer, "So you can change them." hahaha...okay.

@Wanderer, you mentioned in another thread how El centers around or cares deeply about ascension, I can confirm, it is both material and spiritual/internal
Live lightly.

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