An Invocation of Och

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.

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The Warlock King
Adeptus Major
Posts: 1974

An Invocation of Och

Post#1 » Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:42 pm


Some weeks ago I decided to invoke Och, the Olympic Spirit of the Sun. The main reason for this was my prolonged financial troubles, that refused to yield, no matter which mundane or magical means I used to overcome them.

Early in the planning I had the idea to make this invocation as simple as I could, but still with a formal atmosphere, so to say. I have this problem that I often do rituals in an unnecessary complicated and lengthy fashion, that surely evokes a certain solemn mood, but also easily makes me lose concentration due to mental exhaustion. So this time I wanted a shorter but more focused ritual.

I started at dawn on a Sunday morning with the moon just in the 2nd Quarter. On the altar was my usual candles and elemental tools, but also a golden candle and a home-made talisman with the Seal of Och in bright, contrasting colours. The incense was myrrh and olibanum. No mirror or crystal ball was used. While my skills with the mirror are slowly improving, they aren't much to boast about yet. So I would invoke before my inner eyes.

After a pentagram ritual and a hasty Middle Pillar I performed a short heptagram ritual I had found in the book “Planetary Magick” by David Rankine and Sorita d'Este. This went without problems.

After those opening rituals I lighted the golden candle and started to pay to the Creator that He “in His Infinite Wisdom and Unfathomable Grace etc” would please send me His Most Glorious and Wonderful Angel Och, Olympic Spirit of the Sun etc etc” to help me with my monetary issues.

Then I took the seal and visualized a ray of brightest whitest light descending down over me. I imagined my body as a prism breaking that white light and sending out a ray of warm golden light into the seal. Now I started to pray to Och:

Come to me, oh Great Spirit Och, Wonderful and Glorious Angel, Olympic Spirit of the Sun, Light and Hope of the World, Bright and Radiant Star of the Day, Ever-Burning Candle etc usw... Please...?

I stared hard at the seal until it started to glow, while vibrating the Name Och like a mantra. When I finally closed my eyes the seal was carved in fire on my retinas, and I continued to chant. I hand imagined it would take several minutes or more until anything interesting happened, but it went pretty quick. And it was way more powerful than I ever suspected!

Suddenly I clearly saw beautiful pink and golden clouds. Soon the skies parted and I was inside vast temple halls, with towering pillars, white marble, lazuli and gold. The halls seemed great enough to hold the solar system and was illuminated with bright yet warm golden light emanating from a central point.

Out of this light came Och. I had read about how Agrippa et alia describes solar spirits, and imagined something from that list, or a golden king or perhaps a huge lion. But out of the golden light came a great golden trumpet, playing the most beautiful note you could ever imagine! I felt no doubt that this was Och and was immediately filled with a warm and friendly feeling.

So I greeted Och and told him that I was a little bit sad, because I would ask him to help me with my money problems, and I would have wished that I could have asked for something else the first time I called him. Spiritual development, for instance...

I explained my problems to Och and asked for his help. He replied without changing that long, beautiful trumpet note. Just the meaning of the note changed. Somehow I could understand him. Och said it was OK, and that my request was reasonable. He would send some of his serving spirits to solve the problem. While I already had him on the line I also asked him to help me with some other things, like expanding in this world, restore lost honours and positions etc. He said he would help me with that too, but that it would take a little while. And he also gave me permission to call him again.

Now I thanked Och for showing up, listening to me and agreeing to help me. I knew he had a lot of important things to do, but before I said goodbye I asked him to tell me one of his secret names, by which he would easier be called the next time. He told me a name that made perfect sense, and which also explained something about his nature.

When Och was gone, I thanked the Creator for “sending His Glorious and Shining Angel etc”, and gave all spirits and powers that might have been drawn to the ritual leave to withdraw. After waiting some minutes, I repeated the Middle Pillar and banished.

But that warm and friendly feeling stayed with me for several days!


I'm still waiting for those honours to be restored. But some days ago my financial troubles suddenly were solved in a more easy and satisfactory way than I really hoped for!

Since it seems to be customary, I want to publicly and sincerely thank The Great Spirit Och for his amazingly powerful help! He's really a great guy, so nice and friendly! I'm such a fan boy now...


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