Clifford Hartleigh Low, are you here?

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.
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Adeptus Major
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Clifford Hartleigh Low, are you here?

Post#1 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:09 pm

This is a straight up callout thread, tossing the gauntlet.

Every couple of weeks, I see FB postings by Clifford Hartleigh Low (whose name I am using in full in the hopes that this thread becomes higher up in the Google results for people looking him up), soliciting people to pay him $3000 to make astrological petitions.

He has numerous glowing testimonials, as usual, and indeed people can spend their money however they like.

I am here to say that this guy is running a fucking scam. I have seen him prey on weak people, sell his $12,000 talismans against cancer, and continually push for these gigs where he prays to something for half a second while sipping drinks on the beach with your $3000. I have seen him brag about exploiting vulnerable people in terminal condition, and his biggest claim to fame so far is that one of them left him a lot of money. All of his marketing is designed to appeal to people with high hopes, requiring only that they give him $3000 and sit back while he "petitions" on their behalf.

Again, no bones about it, this is a fucking scam. I am saddened by the fact that I know it's very likely I'll have to come back here and explain why it's a scam and why this kind of scam is bad for all legitimate magical workers of any kind. It is exactly scammy stuff like this that makes those of us who aren't crazy look like we are all trying to rip off the gullible.

It's totally hopeless to even attempt to address this in social media. It will be mobbed, drowned, and either shadowed or deleted. Here, though, it becomes part of the permanent archive of everything esoteric online, and opens the door to discussion by people who aren't mutually blocked by half the people in the discussion.

Clifford, if you're here, I'd appreciate if you explain WTF you think you are doing and why we ought to tolerate it vs. treating you worse than we do EAK or Nick Schreck, or some other person whose influence the long-term serious practitioners have almost universally decided is not what we want representing the magic arts. I know, and I believe you know, that this is purely something you're doing to soak up $3k from anyone dumb enough to give it to you and has fuckall to do with actual magic. If you think otherwise, come fight about it.

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