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by Wanderer
Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:42 pm
Forum: New Avatar Power
Topic: New Elubatel Sigil
Replies: 42
Views: 87303

Re: New Elubatel Sigil

Privada banheiro sanitario wc cagada Assento sanitario queimado WC burnt toilet toilet2.jpg :rofl lmao. This is like the shitter's clogged meme: After Elubatel g...
by Wanderer
Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:37 pm
Forum: New Avatar Power
Topic: New Elubatel Sigil
Replies: 42
Views: 87303

Re: New Elubatel Sigil

Echoing MagiAwen, its kind of fascinating how much working with Elubatel and the rest of the AOO is both simpler than expected and far, far more complicated than anticipated. Those spirits are not child's play, by any means, and they will often require us to do more digging, research and self-reflec...
by Wanderer
Tue Jul 25, 2023 3:26 pm
Forum: Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)
Topic: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis
Replies: 89
Views: 187525

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

I find using ones internal landscape to be quite the project at times. It's especially influencing / destructive when one is dealing with shadow / traumatic issues. We do have guides and / or assisting spirits within but IMHO many times they are both primordial and animalistic in nature. But I do a...
by Wanderer
Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:31 pm
Forum: Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)
Topic: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis
Replies: 89
Views: 187525

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

These are some fantastic points, and I would add to them that emotional crossroads are a kind of subtle, elemental crossroads between the mind and heart. Recognizing this space and working within it with the appropriate spirits, presences, attending assistants and so forth often populates that space...
by Wanderer
Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:26 pm
Forum: New Avatar Power
Topic: crazy ride with Elubatel
Replies: 238
Views: 280342

Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

Not sure if you're still around, but the Shem will work overtime against people who try to take advantage of vulnerable populations. I asked them to intercede on the behalf of an elderly family member as another family member was trying to do something similar to your situation. I can honestly say ...
by Wanderer
Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:12 pm
Forum: Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)
Topic: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis
Replies: 89
Views: 187525

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Its super interesting that y'all would start talking about something that's been on my mind recently around crossroads, patterns of traffic and flow. If I open three windows in my house, I create a crossroads. Its a crossroads of air where three breezes meet in the hallway, but its a crossroads none...
by Wanderer
Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:08 pm
Forum: New Avatar Power
Topic: crazy ride with Elubatel
Replies: 238
Views: 280342

Re: crazy ride with Elubatel

[...]From what I saw, it wasn't that each "fly trap" was supposed to deter me, I would have just been classified in a certain way. I got the feeling( edit: got the feeling from who I was communicating with ) that MANY people approached this angel with ignorance of themselves, and in unawa...
by Wanderer
Fri May 12, 2023 4:18 pm
Forum: Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)
Topic: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis
Replies: 89
Views: 187525

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

It’s interesting that you asked me for an update on this gym/Headless Rite practice. Since my last post in September, I have stopped using the gym due to stress on the body and instead taken up swimming. Physical exercise while reciting spells/rituals from memory is a powerful combination. That not...
by Wanderer
Mon Mar 20, 2023 4:40 pm
Forum: Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)
Topic: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis
Replies: 89
Views: 187525

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

I had to deal with an urgent matter that kept me away from the gym until yesterday but I started up my regime again and, yes, it still works. Today I did a cycle of the Headless Rite, an adapted Middle Pillar and Elubatel Invocation to Success on the treadmill and a few hours later I received a det...
by Wanderer
Tue Sep 13, 2022 1:06 pm
Forum: Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)
Topic: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis
Replies: 89
Views: 187525

Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

I wanted to share how I incorporate the Headless Rite into my routine these days.[...] Without fail I will receive an information dump into whatever obstacle I face in the days following a workout. Journaling insights asap is critical. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. How is working at this lan...