Some Results

New Grimoires and techniques outlined in books like NAP, NIP, Frater Malak, etc.

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Some Results

Post#1 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:24 pm

Hi Everyone,

Here are some of the results that I have obtained.

1>Frater Malak Book:

I used the spell to gain secret knowledge on seven consecutive days. One month later I have obtained several books I didn't know existed and gotten a document I wanted to get before I started working the spell.

2>Al Manning:

I used his Cosmic Light Attunement excercise and after a day I could notice the results. My head feels clear again and obsessive and intrusive thoughts have largely disappeared.

3>Strange Phenomena:

* I have some old skis hanging between two hooks high on the wall of the garage. And today I noticed one ski lying in the narrow passage between the wall and the car in a position that was perpendicular to the wall where it had been hanging. It could of course have fallen off but the probability that it would have landed in this position is almost non-existant. The day before this happened I had been memorising the two last parts of the NAP defensive armor ritual but had not said anything aloud. The last part contains the names of two spirits. But I do not know if this could have been the cause.

* Heard footsteps in my room in the middle of the night which disappeared when I did the Cosmic Light Attunement.

* Old Hag experience followed by a possible OBE.

That's all for now.

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