Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Syncretic Egyptian / Graeco-Roman magic from the collection of texts known as the Papyri Graecae Magicae.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#21 » Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:56 am

Interesting experiment. I have decided to perform the rite on the 11th of August as well. The sigil has been charged.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#22 » Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:45 pm

I'm not surprised either, so much as I am appropriately amused. It's been a while since I've seen this specific blend of synchronicity occur over and through social media...its fun, its appropriate, and I'm tuned in to see what we do with this going forward.

The sigil idea as a means of binding this together in a meaningful fashion is clever. If we do indeed see this as creating ripples, then perhaps those ripples will interface with all others within our range and cause changes for them instead.

In relation to this, I have a fair number of friends who are sensitive to rituals and magical rites, but they are not quite as invested in those practices as I am. When they spend time over at my place, I pay attention to what they notice and experience in response to my practices to see what effects these ripples have.

Since beginning my daily use of the Headless Rite, they've experienced greater satisfaction and spiritual manifestation when over. I'm curious to see if this continues.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#23 » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:01 am

I will sit this one out, but kudos for the initiative!

Out of curiosity, why August 11 (solar eclipse day)? I've always seen these events more suitable for destructive work.
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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#24 » Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:16 am

New Moon starts on 8/11. I would assume that's why.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#25 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:08 pm

I'm in!

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#26 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:31 pm

Hmmm. I might join in as well. This is interesting.
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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#27 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:34 pm

Just a quick note to say that there are some people performing this rite who haven't posted in this thread yet. I plan to write up a reflection on my own experience soon. Suffice it to say, it felt intense, whether that was because I had my SA colleagues in mind or via the sigil, I will not speculate (yet).

I want to say thanks to everyone who participated. Please feel invited to add a recap of your performance of the rite and your feelings about it here if you're inspired to do so. As there are still a few who may be doing it, I will hold off on writing more for a day or two.

Aradia: Letters from the Dark Moon

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#28 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 1:19 pm

For the sake of posterity, I thought I'd write a bit about my experiences in using the Headless Rite in this context. It's a profoundly powerful means of self-initiation, but also a system through which one can connect more deeply into their chosen currents, making it something of a staple in magical practice.

My most recent experiences with this rite have certainly verified this for me once more, and I've learned quite a lot from the process despite being something of a practiced hand. As with providing offerings, I find that the HR tends to cause things to proceed more smoothly as a general rule. It created in me a need to observe the timeliness of things, generating a kind of sensitivity to these ebbs and flows & reminded me how to work within them to manifest the things I seek for myself, my family, my clients, and my friends.

Within the time that I've been practicing this daily, I found that there was substantial change to the way works felt. Believe you me, this is a noticeable enough expereince when you don't do magical work all that frequently, but when you do ritual work every calendar day, it becomes all the more obvious and recognizable.

For instance, my spouse has gone through several surgeries of late in order to correct a longstanding medical issue. I'd used magical work to get her to the right doctors and the like earlier on, and her recovery process was well underway by the time that I'd begun performing the HR daily. Up until that point, these surgeries had been increasingly dramatic and traumatic, as the body has a way of responding to medical issues that can be anything but graceful. This changed almost immediately after I started performing this rite.

She'd gone from having a few pretty rough rides to suddenly experiencing what was comparatively the smoothest of sailing within the span of four days' time, all without me having done additional work to cause that to happen. There were a few scheduling conflicts that occured along the way, but they led to her working with an incredibly talented, remarkably prescient anesthesiologist who was able to put her in the appropriate state without any lasting issues save for about 24 hours of grogginess.

Color me impressed, but that's not really all there was to this.
As this was going on, a friend of mine who had been looking for a new place to live and a new job got both within the week, marking both a 10% decrease in the cost of her housing and a 20% increase to her wages, all while working half as many hours.

Another close friend of mine went through an incredibly risky surgery in the past few days and came out without any complications...that's more than a statistical abnormality, as in this case there was roughly a 40% chance that something was going to go wrong for her. Again, I did nothing specific to cause this to happen, but it was a remarkable boon nonetheless.

To add to this, there's been a substantially revelational component to my experiences after doing this, alongside synchronicities between myself and others doing this work. This suggests that there is indeed a thread that binds this all together, and furthermore that there's an innate significance to this that's beyond what we might expect.

There are more developments, but I cannot go into them here. Many relate to things that really can't be discussed openly, but suffice it to say, the sense of profound change is reaally rather obvious.

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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#29 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:06 pm

I will do a more detailed post once I have this under my belt for a few months of daily practice, but so far I have found it to be amplifying and synchronous.

I have found the rite itself to be intense and thick with energy, as I do it at the end of my meditation and other daily practice, so there is already a good charge in the room. I have added a related mantra onto the end of it which is raising the energy levels further. Both magical work and mundane things are being amplified in intensity.

For example, I started looking for an amulet for a specific work yesterday, and found exactly what I was looking for in under 5 minutes online. The exact same thing happened the week before for another working. Usually this process takes me a couple of hours to find the right thing, or trips to various second hand stores etc. A small but noticeable and repeated development. The connection with spirits I am working with at the moment is also noticeably stronger and more dynamic. Synchronicity is happening daily at the moment on many fronts.
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Re: Headless Rite: an Invitation to the Members of Studio Arcanis

Post#30 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:53 pm

Thanks for the update Bumper! :)

Very similar on all fronts described.

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