What is the best way to explain not being evil re: demons

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What is the best way to explain not being evil re: demons

Post#1 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:36 pm

Of course fellow magicians know that doing a working with a demon under certain circumstances doesn’t mean someone is “evil”—-various explanations could be that it is more of a “daimon” or ancient god of another culture that was “demonized” by a form of Christianity, or that, say, doing a work with Bune/Bime that includes the restraint factor of the angel Haaiah and on and on.
But—-if you ever encountered some social flak because others found out somehow—from various scenarios such as cyber stalking, overhearing something, whatever...is there a good way to explain in a concise manner so as not to encounter too much push back and social trouble from others who may interpret it in a negative manner?

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