Evocation of Sezah

The Evocation and Invocation of Angelic and Planetary Spirits.
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Evocation of Sezah

Post#1 » Sun Jan 07, 2018 8:11 pm

Hi everyone

I've been working quite a bit with angelic evocation, including having evoked 72 Shem angels in 72 days. I bought a book by Ben Woodcroft just because I needed a comprehensive index of angels and their properties. Here is the book:

https://www.amazon.com/Angelic-Sigils-K ... +woodcroft

The book uses a fairly simple evocation ritual. You shouldn't expect a full physical manifestation when using this method, although I did receive an instant and remarkable manifestation when I evoked Heziel.

Anywho... Saturday I evoked Sezah who is one of the Angels of Virtue. The description said that Sezah will reveal the solution to problems in dreams. I did an incense offering, LBRP, then stated the evocation words while concentrating on the angelic seal in the book. When I looked up from the book I did not see anything in the room, and I usually do. I always see at least an angelic aura or a "force field" with usually the light bending in this aura to reveal more features like an outline and a face of the angel. I didn't get that at all and so didn't have a lot of hope that the evocation had worked. Also, Sezah's name doesn't really follow the angelic naming tradition so I questioned if this was a real angel or not. Still, I stated my petition outloud that the angel please reveal to me in a dream that night how to solve a problem I had been having at work.

I closed my eyes and stated the chant in the book while concentrating on my problem. When I opened my eyes the incense smoke had coiled into a perfect spiral and was just hanging there in the air. And when I say spiral, I mean a spiral, I don't mean that the smoke was simply coiling around itself in the way incense smoke always does. It was just sitting there, in perfect form, a nice big spiral. I had never seen the smoke take form before so I started to question what I was seeing, and as soon as I did the smoke went back to normal. Still, the message was received. I understand a spiral to be a signal of manifestation, so I took this as a sign from Seznah that my prayer would be answered.

Just then I received a vision of a solution to another problem at work. This was not the problem I had asked about specifically but it was a big problem at work, one I had decided was hopeless and had just moved on from. The solution shown to me was simple but I could see it was certain to work. I plan on trying it this week. I took this vision of a solution as more confirmation that my prayer would definitely be answered. I then thanked the angel and closed the ritual.

I woke up this morning with a very vivid dream. I thought "how strange" and then remembered I had asked for a dream. I figured I needed to translate the dream and I would get my work solution. Immediately I understood the meaning of the dream and yes it was a solution to the problem. Usually dream interpretation takes me some time but this time the answer was clear and instant. I then started to ask the "dream" more questions about the work problem in my mind and the answers just kept revealing themselves. There was no doubt in mind that this was angelic.

I don't want to get into the dream itself. I'l just say that the dream itself was not direct. It was kind of about random crap the way that dreams often are. What made it special was that it was very vivid, "bright" if that makes sense, and just a feeling that the dream was special in some way. Also special was the way the interpretation and answer came to me so immediately.

I suppose it's not complete until I see how well these solutions work out. One of the answers was to move slowly so as to not overwhelm my coworkers, so I'm not going to jump on everything immediately come Monday, but I will be putting things into place this week.

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