Abremalin the Mage and successors

The Heptameron, the Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton, the Arbatel of Magic, the Book of Abramelin, etc.
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Abremalin the Mage and successors

Post#1 » Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:59 am

As we know there were hundreds of spirits mentioned in this grimoire.

The story goes that it was A. Crowley who first did operations for HGA according to this book...Yet he does not seem to make any contacts with spirits from that book.

The one who did contact them was Franz Bardon, they are 360 heads from his second book.

It is finally also known that he was not the first one to that. Quitchner is much more likely to have done it before because the names of those spirits were mentioned in his book on magical formulas written in the early years of the 20th century, but I don't know exactly when.

So there is a gap between Abremaline the Mage and the early 20th century with Crowley, Bardon, Quintchner, Adonists etc. You might be also interested in this link:


But who was between that gap? Nobody?

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