Using the 6th and 7th books of Moses

The Heptameron, the Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton, the Arbatel of Magic, the Book of Abramelin, etc.

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Using the 6th and 7th books of Moses

Post#1 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:02 am

Hi All,

I am now spending a bit more time focusing on this strange little book, more out of interest in Elubatel than anything else, but so far it has had some pretty strange effects. There is on the surface not much to this book, I remember almost falling asleep the first two times I read it thinking it was a load of contrived crap - basically hebrew transliterated by a bunch of Christian monks. Then I started actually working with it and there is a very deep power here, the kind of power that comes from working with the Grim Verum. I don't really know what I was expecting, I suppose something a little "lighter" in flavour, but hell man, this book calls up some diabolical stuff.

Problem is, this book is not often used, not often written about and I am sure that the version that I have in physical form and pdf is edited beyond belief. The instructions are all contradictory and the book follows no particular path and seems to have no specific purpose. It kind of jumps from talismanic magick, to summoning the plagues of Egypt, to summoning spirits, most of which I have never heard of. So my question is, how do you guys use this book?

1) Has anybody bothered to go and get the laurel crown and palm twig and do the Principal Citation (that is half way through the book). I did, if you get it right, there is a halo, yes, you start to glow!
2) Has anybody actually used the General Citation? I did, with and without the Principal Citation and if you don't take it seriously it does some pretty rough stuff
3) Has anybody used the Rabellini Table for summoning any spirit? I did, without using 1 and 2 above and with no other preparation and low and behold, there stood a spirit. Kind of wish I had used the circle, made me a bit grumpy for a few days

SO, anybody else use this little book?


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