Star Above Star Below. Anyone Heard of This Title?

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Star Above Star Below. Anyone Heard of This Title?

Post#1 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:17 pm

Hello everyone. I haven't been able to spend nearly as much time here as I would like due to work obligations but the holidays are drawing near and that means time off :D !

Last night after I finished browsing for holiday gifts for those I love I decided to treat myself to a little something. This book caught my eye in particular because I've been feeling that a work such as what is outlined in the description of this book may be what I'm needing in my life right now.

The book is - Star Above Star Below: A Ritual of Rebirth for the Winter Solstice by Joseph Wolf. The book is described as a ritual designed for personal illumination and to bring the practitioner into direct contact with deity. I will be home for the Winter Solstice and this book should be in my hands in time enough for me to prepare myself for this working if I feel this is truly what is needed after reading.

I bought the limited edition hardcover for a very modest price (I can only assume due to its short page count, but good things in small packages/don't judge a book by its cover and what have you.) and it looks to be quite beautifully bound so even if it doesn't quite live up to its impressive title and description I wil undoubtedly still be satisfied.

My reason for starting this topic is to ask all you wonderful people if any of you have heard of this particular book or author? I have done some Google sleuthing to no avail and the only information ive dug up is the description of the book itself. The author has also written some other works on the Shem angels which I'm thinking of purchasing pending final thoughts of this book.

I am very excited about the contents and timing of this book and hopefully it will meet and surpass its description. Any information that any of you living wealths of wisdom can provide will be greatly appreciated. I will also update this post after reading and contemplating this material and then on its effectiveness in practice once (And if) I complete the ritual described within.

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