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An Experiment in Bardonian Initiation

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:46 am
by Myrsolon
In this thread I'm going to record my personal experience with working through the steps of Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics. It's my hope that I'll be able to offer insight as I acquire it and you'll be able to provide a bit of guidance. I'll likely be modifying the steps a bit, and when I do so I'll explain my rational. I'll also do my best to throw up any books I'm using at the time. I'm going to struggle to keep that list short.

So, with that in mind, I present my preparation work:

I. Mental
    1. 15 minutes of full body relaxation via Dharana
II. Psychic
    1. 2x daily LIRP/LBRP
    2. 1x daily NAP
III. Physical

I'm performing the LIRP/LBRP in order to strengthen visualization as well as get comfortable with working in liminal space. Beyond that, I'm finding that using it as a daily practice keeps me more "centered" throughout the day.