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mastery of thoughts - step I

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:45 am
by berserker
Hi guys,
I'm having a very hard time in trying to understand what I have to do exactly in this exercise, the third mental exercise of
the Step I of IIH.
It's said to attain a vacancy of mind or an absence of thoughts, but what does it mean exactly?
Right now I can empty my mind from image-like thoughts for a while, but when I do it, I keep on
hearing the internal voice saying: "You did it!" or "Is this state what you're searching for?" or something else.
I mean, even if I can empty the inner screen of the mind from any image-like thought or visual thought,
I can't stop hearing the auditive thoughts or the inner voice of my consciousness. Therefore, my mind is not really empty!
So, what is the right, correct and proper way to performe this exercise? What should I try to feel exactly?
How can I be sure that I'm doing it right way? And is it possible to mantain this mental emptyness for ten minutes?

:Thank You :Thank You :Thank You