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Mixing Sub-angles and the inner CooCoo

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 2:39 pm
by Saggg
When it comes to working with the serviant angels in the subangle of fire, the things I have read indicate that when "fire" tablet is mixed with other tablets, it can cause great change on the physical level.... My question is, how would you mix other serviant angels with the fire tablet? Do you evoke the desired fire EE('s) and ask them to wait while you call up, say (t a a d) and his posse?


When one finally takes the plunge into the wild world of cacodaemons, a) do you evoke them, experience, and then bind then within the self? (I was meditating on Pa the other night, and I mentally made the rending the veil sign, then brought Pa within me, closed the veil and allowed it's energies to move into my head/cranium. That, along with making a chart of cacodaemons kinda gave me the idea that working with the caco's would involve evocation, realization of the caco, and then binding them within the self, since the self/mind is all that one experiences.) AND b) can you call on the names of the cc angels to assist you if there is too much difficulty with specific caco's?

