Tabula Bonorum HUGE success, and possible assistance.

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Tabula Bonorum HUGE success, and possible assistance.

Post#1 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:27 am

I finalized a great rite, with the Tabula Bonorum. It was my largest material success to date and my gain was over 200,000 dollars plus a full will and testament, the wife of my dreams, and a cat from my past that literally came back to me to align itself to my family. I want to honor the Bonorum in my home suitably. I would love to hear suggestions. I had a dream last night, that I went on this forum, and someone needed to ask me about them. I answered their question, and i found my *perfect* commemoration of the Tabula bonorum. I have a paper I have been writing on them, started over eight years ago. Still not done, but there was a part that was useful to someone who may not know this is in John Dee's five books of mysteries: Here is the excerpt: (from reception of the Tabula bonorum)

Michael, then speaks to E.K., “What I wish thee to do, thou shalt here know, before thou go.” He then says, “We proceed to one GOD, one knowledge, one Operation. Come, Daughters!” Then speaking to Dee and Kelly, he says, “Behold these Tables. Herein lie their names that work under God upon Earth: not of the Wicked, but of the Angels of Light. The whole Government, doth consist in the hands of the 49 in God his Power, Strength, Mercy, and Justice, whose names are evident, excellent and glorious.” Micheal then tells him to mark these tables (which are about to be shown). He further tells him, “This is the First Knowledge. Here you shall have Wisdom. Halleluyah.” Michael then begins a sort of Invocation: “Mighty and Omnipotent art Thou, O God, God, God, amongst thy Creatures: Thou fillest all things with thy excellent foresight. Thy Glory be amongst us forever.” Dee appends himself affirming, “Amen.” After this is accomplished. Then the 7 Daughters of the Daughters come forth and join seven Tables together.

It would be best for us to shortly reflect a little over the concepts of Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom before we press on. In the Qaballistic model, these are Dat, Binah, and Chokmah. It is clear what the main primary spiritual goals of John Dee were; A scientific comprehension of these aspects of Divine Providence. One may be inclined to inquire, “Why not Kether, or the Crown?” The easiest reason is that in early Qaballistic models, Kether was not attainable, and only Metatron could be “about the Throne”, on the path leading from Chokmah to Kether. That “Crown” was embodied by The Divine Providence that lead to the British Royalty. In Dee’s mind; and for everything he was, he was not close enough to royalty, nor arrogant enough, to attempt a political coup. He wanted a British Empire, but not the Emperor’s sceptre in his own hand. He wanted Wisdom and Understanding of God’s works. He is told that Wisdom is of God, but Understanding is through Knowledge of God’s creatures. This First Knowledge comes from these Seven Tablets in their joining. This First Knowledge is the one essence of Dat, which is obtained, according to the Sha’ar Aur by cleaving to Elohim, which has a value of 86; the same value as Hallelujah; the formula by which understanding of the Seven Names of God is achieved. These seven names of God are all concealed in the one Four Letter Name; YHVH, which is the Totality of God; and the name attributed to Wisdom, or Chokmah. It is in this way, that the Sha’ar Aur says that Dat is the essence of the Middle Line, and thus Tiphareth as a manfestation of the entire Middle Line, as YHVH Eloah VaDat; Lord God of Knowledge.

Hope that helps someone. Now to the story that courtesy dictates I should honor them in respect of:

2 Chr. 5:2 καὶ γὰρ ἐν τούτῳ στενάζομεν τὸ οἰκητήριον ἡμῶν τὸ ἐξ οὐρανοῦ ἐπενδύσασθαι ἐπιποθοῦντες

For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:

This was my root idea for a "Enochian" Angelic Magic operation to see if I could use Planetary Angels for the acquisition of a actual home. It was to be at no cost to me, and could only come from someone i genuinely love, and had to be unbidden, unasked, and not a point of contention or debt. It was to take exactly 49 days, and I would have a response that day, and ony that day for it to be considered a success. Oil, Bell, Book, Candle were all I had to work with. i hoped to manifest a house, bodily and spirtually from heaven. The word "oikaterion" is house, but as the Home, the people inside it, and the means by which it is formed, as part of divine providence.

My model was the Tabula Bonorum, which I really find of use, especially when you consider the common math with computers and Dee's work.

i first did a lectio divinae reading of some Greek New Testament (a favorite of Dr. Dee's) and Liber Al vel Legis, my volume of sacred writ. Then, I invoked the Agathodaemon (Holy Spirit), banished the Nemesis of the Agathodaemon, and fixed my eyes upon the monad created for this. I would call forth the names of the Tabula bonorum, and focus on their locations around the perimeter of the Great Table. I woud then connect them to the Talisman I wear, the lamen of god engraved as needed, with a single correction for continuity. This and my PELE ring, also gold are crucial to my approach. I wear them constantly, as I was instructed to.

Uriel would appear, sometimes Michael, presiding over my actions. They tend to watch from the sidelines. The first day, I petitioned Hagonel. He assigned a being to me, looked like a little girl, but horrific and drowned. She was creepy. I never told my wife about this, but she saw her everywhere. She started asking me who the king in the studio apartment kitchen she kept seeign weas. We had overnight guests not in anyway connected to magick study or practice and my frend Tommy could not sleep because he saw him.

Hagonel told me I was supposed to present this young lady, cold, "ragwetted" and disheveled to each of the Kings, and their Princes and their ministers. I started to do so. She started looking more and more pleasant, and finally totally radiant. I started to think perhaps this was not going to work, but it was VERY powerful feeling when it occrred. I pushed through the doubt, with only one point of distraction, which was the week of my wedding day. I was instructed that my life would soon be enriched by my wife. I did not ask her and I was finally told provision for your union holy has been made in the hearts of the woman, who were better suited for this. My girl and her mother planned and executed the whole wedding in a month that august. I had only met them that Easter/ Then my wife started to ask me to teach her Enochian.

On the 49th day, nothing happened, but the communication no longer occured. All communications was not effective. About 2 weeks later, her parents decided to suprise us, they told us they bought us a house; well a town home. I thought it was a It was a power play on their part to keep me from moving their daughter back to Lousiana full time or seeking a job outside of new Jersey. Our plans had been to move into a single bedroom in a house in Philadelphia. He mother confided and my wife yesterday as she blessed our home with holy Water from Israel. She was visted that night. The night (of the 49th night/day cycle) - her Grandmother appeared to her in her beautiful child like form, in her communion dress. She said "The Lord requires of you a great service. You are to make the first home of your son and daughter's family. I will torment your home no further."

All of this came to a conclusion last night. I saw a picture of her, and it was the same little girl. Her mother told me she has had nightmares about her suffering her whole life. They have ended,.. and she feels she has moved on in peace and serenity. She had a dream she was delivered by jesus, and he told her we should inherit everything she owns. She signed it all over to us in a new will. I regard this as a success, sitting in my new home, where the Lord is ever glorified - even though my vain arrogant conditions for success were not exact. Then again, what is perfect except God?
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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