Notes on Obatala

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Notes on Obatala

Post#1 » Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:20 pm

I love you. :bow

Obatala is the Supreme divinity on the terrestrial plane. He represents such refined purity, that it cannot be described through words or songs. He is reason and justice and all that is moral, he is the Orisha of peace and purity, his name means "King who dresses in white OR King of the White Cloth". Controlling the head, he is considered to be the father of all human beings. He gives the best advice and is the one to turn to in times of great difficulties.
The relationship between the Santeros and the Orishas is much more intimate and direct than in other religions. The Orishas have human passions and desires. They can be cruel and unjust just like human beings. When the Orishas manifest thier cruelty, Obatala is called upon to mediate in the situation and to calm and sooth the furious Orisha.

the Lucumi recognize numerous roads of Obatala. They vary greatly as does the personality of this Orisha. Ayagunna is the war loving and powerful warrior (who bursted forth from Odua?) who many consider the Shango of Obatala; the frail Yeku Yeku who is blind and hunchbacked, who represents the wonders of old age and the wisdom that accompanies it; Alagema, the chamelion who tested the solid earth to ensure that it was firm enough for human settlement; and Oshaogiyan, the mature, level headed road of Obatala that knows the suffering caused by war and attempts to console humanity with maturity and understanding. Some roads Ochanla (Orishanla), Obanla, and Eru Aye are considered female, an Egbado influence on the religion. There are close to fifty roads of Obatala, in addition, Obatala has a number of deities typically referred to as Orisha Funfun, white Orishas.
Baphomet, why are you a boy again on that one?
BTW, god, when you wanna see whats written in the book, we can look. Everyone else... IIIII"M writing, ok?

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