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WTF? Gamma rays + Nganga? Not a hypothetical situation...

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:13 pm
by sylvanus
So I was over at a friends last night watching TV. It was a show called Oddities on the science network (season 3 btw.. episode "Black Magic Woman"), which follows a "weird antique" store in NYC mainly selling medical equiptment and taxidermied two-headed kittens.. that kind of thing. We were about to go to bed when I heard them mention some kind of "black magic cauldron" in the next episode. Naturally I had to know more. So to make a long story short this clueless dude comes in with a huge Nganga in a plastic bin that he acquired in a storage unit sale in New Jersey and asks them wtf is this. They don't know but go, to all people, the storefront of Migine Gonzalez-Wippler to find out what it is. She tells them it is a Nganga, not to bring it in her store, a bit about what it is, and that "it could destroy 9th ave". So they are now scared of it but still REALLY want to find out what is inside behind all of the chains and dried feathers/blood/dirt.. so they take it to an x-ray imaging specialist. The first x-ray doesn't penetrate the cauldron, so they use gamma rays :? and find some images of bullets, railroad spikes, and something small, round, and enclosed in metal at the bottom. They give it back to the guy telling him its too weird for them to sell and he takes it away.

So the question is a truly hypothetical one I suppose.. unless someone were to ask the nganga in question.. what do you think the interaction is between nfumbe and gamma radiation? Did it piss it off (or even damage/kill it?) or are such physical forces irrelevant to the inhabitants of the realm of the dead?