Fixed Nutmeg Charm

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Fixed Nutmeg Charm

Post#1 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:07 pm

I recently posted a tutorial on my blog on how to make a fixed nutmeg charm. You can check the full post out complete with some pics here-

There is a traditional Hoodoo charm that calls for drilling a hole in whole nutmeg and putting quicksilver or liquid mercury sealing it with green wax. It used for bringing luck in gambling, games of chance, and money matters Many these days like to avoid using the dangerous liquid metal and instead substitute tin foil, silver mercury dime shavings, and magnetic sand. I don't feel that these substitutions have quite the same energy as the real thing so I prefer to "kick it old school" with my nutmeg charms.I came across an old thread on a message board recently where someone was asking about a spell to win the lottery. The thread had died down but it inspired me to make some fixed nutmegs as well as charge a gator foot that I had for gambling luck as well. I made them today in on the day of and in the hour of Jupiter to utilize the planet's energies in the charms. My process is pretty simple so let me break it down for you.

You Will Need :

* One Whole Nutmeg
* Liquid Mercury
* Dragons Blood Resin
* Van Van Oil
* Money Drawing Oil
* Power Oil
* Bayberry or Money Drawing Incense
* One Blue Candle
* One Green Candle
* One Purple Candle
* Red Flannel
* 3 Cinnamon Sticks
* A Power Drill or Dremel Tool
* Wooden Matches
* Eye Dropper (Optional)

Step One: Drill a Hole in The Nutmeg

Using your power drill or Dremel, drill a hole into your nutmeg. Be careful not to drill all the way through. Use pliers or something to grip the nutmeg in place while you drill. Tap the nutmeg upside down on the table until all excess dust is clean from the drilled hole.

Step 2: Add The Mercury

Use your eye dropper to add the quicksilver to the drilled hold. **Be Careful When Working With Mercury**

Step 3: Add Dragon's Blood Resin

Add a small chunk of Dragon's Blood resin to the hole on top of the mercury. We are going to use the resin as the first seal to the hole. Light one of your wooden matches and use it to heat up the resin so that it form as sticky seal above the mercury. You may have to use more than one match, but the resin will melt a little and form a seal. This little tip was given to me by one of the rootworkers that owns the local shop that I get supplies from. Dragon's Blood is also carried for good luck and to attract riches.

Step 4: Seal with Wax

Now take your green candle and anoint it with money drawing oil. If you want to scribe a petition or symbols in it you can as well. I carve the $$¢¢$$ sigil into my candle. Light the candle and let the wax drip into the hole until it is full.Set the green candle into a holder to burn completely. Let the wax solidify before you move on to blessing the charm.

Step 5: Bless and Charge the Charm

There really is no set way to bless and activate this kind of charm so you can feel free to use the following ritual or design your own.

Now that you already have the green candle set and lit. Position this candle to be the apex of a triangle that will be formed by the other two candles. Anoint your purple candle with power oil and set it as the bottom left point of the triangle. Anoint the blue candle with van van oil and set as the bottom right of the triangle. You can scribe a petition on the blue candle if you desire. I carved the planetary symbol for Jupiter and $$¢¢$$ sigil into my blue candle. Next lay a square of red flannel in the center of this triangle.You will use this fabric as a pouch once this is all done. It can be about the size of a sticky note. Doesn't need to be too big for a nutmeg. Anoint the cinnamon sticks with money oil and arrange them in a triangle on top of the flannel. You can now light your bayberry or money incense. Take your nutmeg charm and pass it through the flame of each candle. As you do feel it being charged with the energies represented by that candle. After passing the charm through each flame, hold it over the incense smoke and focusing on charging it with your will as it is further charged with money drawing energies from the smoke. Lastly lay the nutmeg in the center of the triangle and anoint it with van van oil making the sign of an equal arm cross and recite the 65th Psalms. Let the candles burn down. Once the candles have burned down use the red flannel to form a small pouch and tie it up. You could also sew a small pouch if you are so inclined. This charm can be fed with van van oil, whiskey, or Hoyt's cologne.
Brother Ash
"You must have the devil in you to succeed in the arts." Voltaire
"Don't quote me boy cuz I ain't said shit." Eazy-E

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