Correspondence between Orishas of Ifa and Lwa of Vodou

Vodou, Palo Mayombe, Kimbanda, Umbanda, Candomble, Catimbo, 21 Divisions, Santeria, etc.
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Correspondence between Orishas of Ifa and Lwa of Vodou

Post#1 » Fri Mar 05, 2021 2:01 am

I have done about as much studying as I can short of apprenticing to a house ...

And it seems to me that Ifa is really the African backbone of the "New World" diaspora currents, like Vodou, Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Santeria.

I would love to have a discussion of how the Ifa Orisha's were synchretized into the lwa of vodou. It seems to me that there are direct correspondences, such as Esu=Legba.

But I'm certainly no expert, and so I toss it out to the members. I know we have a few houngans, mambos and babalawos floating around.

Specifically with Haitian vodou, there seems to be a deep core of what is essentially Ifa spirits, that then is added free masonry, Catholic saints, etc. to produce Vodou. I don't mean to overly simplify.

But I think it's very interesting to trace back the true African sources.


Ars non Fortuna

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