Any solitary ATR practitioners?

Vodou, Palo Mayombe, Kimbanda, Umbanda, Candomble, Catimbo, 21 Divisions, Santeria, etc.
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Any solitary ATR practitioners?

Post#1 » Fri Dec 15, 2017 9:53 am

I know a bunch of people are going to rush in and say no no no. But as i’ve Researched into traditions like Santeria, voodoo, and obeah I have found some solitary practitioners and am wary of some of the limitations that are placed on people when they join a group. My experience is that as a researcher I always end up knowing more than what I’m being taught. Then there’s the horror stories of covens , yes even in ATR, turning on people, that leave me cold towards joining a group.

**I’m not asking if it’s possible because I know it is, I’m asking if there are solitaries on this board**

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