what a disappointment

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Posts: 6

what a disappointment

Post#1 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:41 pm


I should have suspected that this book was
a waste of time. If a person read objectively
All the posts would see texistent. Also the clue is in how is
written as well ...no serious ceremonial practitioner
would have made such over hyped promises

Anyway i tried ad i did not obtain anything the only
Thing i notice was a devastating bad luck !
I will sell the book asap i will never trust anyone anymore unless is Regardie, Crowley or any reputable

My advice sells the book and try ambelaine angelic ritual
I would see if this is effective

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: what a disappointment

Post#2 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:03 pm

magick69 wrote:Hi

I should have suspected that this book was
a waste of time. If a person read objectively
All the posts would see texistent. Also the clue is in how is
written as well ...no serious ceremonial practitioner
would have made such over hyped promises

Anyway i tried ad i did not obtain anything the only
Thing i notice was a devastating bad luck !
I will sell the book asap i will never trust anyone anymore unless is Regardie, Crowley or any reputable

My advice sells the book and try ambelaine angelic ritual
I would see if this is effective

OK... What is the name of the book?

Edit: Gotcha, Just saw where listed as. Well... if you invoked Elubatel and didnt read the posts about him I can see that. As far as serious practitioners there are many here who would differ.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Posts: 6

Re: what a disappointment

Post#3 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:33 pm

Hi thanks for the reply

If you analyse all the posts very few had a measurable success with this book. I believe ibalso had a.very unexpected
Bad luck

I.do not have the book in front ofvme.but the angel was lazeberin or something i
lke this.
Actually i tell u more without the book.and.withbmy pendulum i.won a.bet with the book i lost it

Posts: 46

Re: what a disappointment

Post#4 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:33 pm

I'm not privy to what your magic history is, of course, but the issue of bad luck could have to do with the re-alignment of your being towards the energies the entities in the book reside at. Elubatel for instance is from the 7th Book of Moses, and from the experiences many have listed here, as well as my own observations, seems to operate at a very high level.

I initially thought as you when it came to this text. In fact, I worked for some weeks without seeing measurable results, and it came down to that the issues were with myself, not with the grimore.

You say you won't trust anyone but crowley, regardie, and any other 'reputable occultist'. You're discounting them right now, as several rituals in this book are quite obviously derived from GD-esq magical practices.

The 'Uncrossing Ritual' is the quaballistic cross, as you should be familiar with from Regardies work. As are the "New avatar power circulation' and 'fountain' rituals. These again are from Regardie's "The art of true healing", as well as the Golden Dawn texts.

Yes, it reads like a cheesy infomercial but it might have more to do with the era it was published in, then an effort to sell the book. If you research the words and meanings in the text, as well as the basis of the rituals; the NAP's fundamental techniques are definitely sound. Discounting them simply because it isn't working for you dosen't mean it will not for other people, magic is a fickle beast.

If I may suggest, instead of Labezerin, try working with Elubatel, or the general purpose invocation towards a very specific goal for one week, and see what happens. Do the rituals twice a day, upon awakening and when you go to sleep, and see what happens.
Last edited by Tremegorn on Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: what a disappointment

Post#5 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:01 pm

Tremegorn wrote:I'm not privy to what you're magic history is, of course, but the issue of bad luck could have to do with the re-alignment of your being towards the energies the entities in the book reside at. Elubatel for instance is from the 7th book of moses, and from the experiences many have listed here, as well as my own observations, seems to operate at a very high level.

I initially thought as you when it came to this text. In fact, I worked for some weeks without seeing measurable results, and it came down to that the issues were with myself, not with the Grimore.

You say you won't trust anyone but crowley, regardie, and any other 'reputable occultist'. You're discounting them right now, as several rituals in this book are quite obviously derived from GD-esq magical practices.

The 'Uncrossing ritual' is the Quaballistic cross, as you should be familiar with from Regardies work. As are the "New avatar power circulation' and 'fountain' rituals. These again are from Regardie's "The art of true healing", as well as the Golden Dawn texts.

Yes, it reads like a cheesy infomercial but it might have more to do with the era it was published in, then an effort to sell the book. If you research the words and meanings in the text, as well as the basis of the rituals; the NAP's fundamental techniques are definitely sound. Discounting them simply because it isn't working for you dosen't mean it will not for other people, magic is a fickle beast.

If I may suggest, instead of Labezerin, try working with Elubatel, or the general purpose invocation towards a very specific goal for one week, and see what happens. Do the rituals twice a day, upon awakening and when you go to sleep, and see what happens.

:goodpost Hit the nail on the head
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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Magister Templi
Posts: 4790

Re: what a disappointment

Post#6 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:23 am

Um, "lazeberin" is FROM a classical source! :lol: Eliphas Levi publication of the Nuctemeron.

Elubatel amd most every other name in his books are in classical sources. And most of his exercises ARE from golden dawn methods. Furthermore, based on your comments and criticism, I'd wager you didn't even read the book through to let it get "installed."
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: what a disappointment

Post#7 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:25 am

magick69 wrote:Hi

I should have suspected that this book was
a waste of time. If a person read objectively
All the posts would see texistent. Also the clue is in how is
written as well ...no serious ceremonial practitioner
would have made such over hyped promises

Anyway i tried ad i did not obtain anything the only
Thing i notice was a devastating bad luck !
I will sell the book asap i will never trust anyone anymore unless is Regardie, Crowley or any reputable

My advice sells the book and try ambelaine angelic ritual
I would see if this is effective

While you are entitled towards your opinion, I think it's bad form that you
would decisively write off this book and claim your opinion as an absolute.

With that said, if you are still trying other "systems" or "traditions", you
still have a long way to go before getting anywhere, with anything.

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Posts: 2

Re: what a disappointment

Post#8 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:29 am

Hmmm.... While the original poster is entitled to an opinion, having only picked up the NAP book 2 weeks ago, I know for a fact that it works and why shouldn't it given where GGC took his material from.

Start with small building blocks on what you are asking for, more importantly build relationships with the spirits you are working with and learn the "Art of Magick" for it is an art!

Above all, as with all things magickal, respect and honor the spirits you work with and their abilities, they do not teach harsh lessons or bring you back luck unless they deem it necessary.

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Posts: 6

Re: what a disappointment

Post#9 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:23 pm

Ok it is not my habit to create conflict so i will just comment
Few posts

I am perfectly aware that the author boorowed and modified gd

I have some experience nd i can say the only wo measurable
Results i had with magick were using modern magick book
Specifically sigil magick and the invoking ritual of the
Water element detailed by Griffin

About the nap, i am just stating the obvious if you read all
The threads in this forum there are not clear successes stories
Just feelings and almost successes

About me i did not obtained what asked .what i can say
Is that after the ritual i had a strong wave of bad luck not even
Contained by th lbrp

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: what a disappointment

Post#10 » Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:59 am

magick69 wrote:Ok it is not my habit to create conflict so i will just comment
Few posts

I am perfectly aware that the author boorowed and modified gd

I have some experience nd i can say the only wo measurable
Results i had with magick were using modern magick book
Specifically sigil magick and the invoking ritual of the
Water element detailed by Griffin

About the nap, i am just stating the obvious if you read all
The threads in this forum there are not clear successes stories
Just feelings and almost successes

About me i did not obtained what asked .what i can say
Is that after the ritual i had a strong wave of bad luck not even
Contained by th lbrp

There is no conflict, the issue is that you came in this board, exclusively
for NAP, saying it's a waste of time.

If it didn't work for you, then it didn't work for you, it happens - however,
there was no need to come here and say it doesn't work when clearly -
there's a plethora of practitioners (who have more experience, magickal wise)
who would say so otherwise.

P.S: As for stating the obvious, you clearly did not read the all of the threads
in this board since the first thread (stickied), first page, 5th post down stated
that Vovin got exactly what he wanted. Now look through the rest of the 35


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