
The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Sectator Veritas
Posts: 63


Post#1 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:43 pm


I have a question. On one hand during the central pillar ritual it suggests to write down what we desire, " I want $10,000"

But isn't this thought simply creating exactly what we're asking for "want" rather than "have?" During the invocation it suggests to picture that we already have what our desire is.

Shouldn't the whole ritual be based upon , "Thank you for the $10,000" and then intentionally feeling grateful for its deliver as if it already occurred?" This seems much more inline with attracting abundance.

I was at odds with myself when I wrote down on a piece of paper, "I want $10,000" because again by stating that all I am creating is more "want"

I'm trying to remember K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) and follow the "NAP is so easy a teenager can follow it"

But it just doesn't seem to fit


Re: wording

Post#2 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:01 pm

I think you're trying to mix 2 different systems.

The acting "as if" something has already occured is a law of attraction visualization type of thing (as seen in The Secret) while NAP seems to be calling upon Kabbalistic powers and energies to bring to you what you want.

I tend to say stick to whatever system you're working with at the time. But on the other hand if you have trouble believing that saying "I want X" will get you what you want, then you might want to try acting as if you already have it if you feel like that would be more successful. Personally I don't think it will make much difference as long as the intention is strong and coherent.

Personally I use "I desire X" when I use the NAP Attracting Ritual, but the feeling I get isn't the one of want or lack but a feeling of I'm doing this ritual to get X. If that makes any sense...

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Sectator Veritas
Posts: 63

Re: wording

Post#3 » Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:12 pm

It does. I'll stick with the NAp as suggested and see how it works

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2335

Re: wording

Post#4 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:51 am

I think you're trying to mix 2 different systems.

The acting "as if" something has already occured is a law of attraction visualization type of thing (as seen in The Secret) while NAP seems to be calling upon Kabbalistic powers and energies to bring to you what you want.

Sak_Sajit thats a very accurate point. I am of the same opinion. Although visualisation is important its not a key ingrediant when working with NAP.

Remember 'For the Man of Religion, Believes in God, The Magician, Knows God.'
(Ars Solomonis)

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 689

Re: wording

Post#5 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:41 am

We both know one good magician here who will disagree with that Vovin :mrgreen:

Personally I don't often get what I want from NAP, but within my limited success with NAP, I basically just gave the intent and hoped for the best.... counter to everything I've read about "go all the way into it and visualize it as if it has happened and WILL those spirits to work for you and feel that emotion of gratitude etcetc"... which I THOUGHT I had to do... (and hard it is to keep all those things juggled in your mind while also trying to evoke some spirit and focus on what you want!)...... Instead, I did it more like "I need this to happen. Yep, that's it." Magick is funny sometimes. :)
".. nothing but infinite chaos, stochastically dragged into existence by each and every observer according to their predispositions, and by manipulating these .."
(quoted from http://www.spiralnature.com/magick/chaosvseclectic/).


Re: wording

Post#6 » Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:17 pm

Writing goals down really defines your intent clearly. Its one the best ways to program the subconscious with your desire. I wrote before that the Nap Attraction Rituals were my first success. I wrote on a piece of paper, "I wish for a steady flow of income" along with the other words of power as was instructed. Wallah! I got a job the next week. The writting down of your intent on a piece of paper with the words of power is the key here--I think mainly because you are in effect making a talisman and charging it with power.

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