Ielahiah success?

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Ielahiah success?

Post#1 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 7:24 pm

As someone new, I've been doing daily rituals with Elubatel and Ielahiah on a pressing matter. I'm already aware that many people experience depression with Elubatel, but since I likely can't get any lower, I'm not worried about that; but what are people's experiences with Ielahiah? Are there any weird surprises I should be prepared for when working with him?

Also, they say Elubatel works fairly quickly. Is Ielahiah the same, or on the more patient side? Just looking for some tips when it comes to working with this NAP spirit.


Banishing Ritual
NAP ritual up through the fountain part
Bornless One
Request to Elubatel
Chant to Elubatel
Request to Ielahiah
Chant to Ielahiah
Seal with Thooth ritual

I've also been doing a novena to St. Jude for some extra insurance.

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Re: Ielahiah success?

Post#2 » Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:11 pm

Shounenbat wrote:As someone new, I've been doing daily rituals with Elubatel and Ielahiah on a pressing matter. I'm already aware that many people experience depression with Elubatel, but since I likely can't get any lower, I'm not worried about that; but what are people's experiences with Ielahiah? Are there any weird surprises I should be prepared for when working with him?

Also, they say Elubatel works fairly quickly. Is Ielahiah the same, or on the more patient side? Just looking for some tips when it comes to working with this NAP spirit.


Banishing Ritual
NAP ritual up through the fountain part
Bornless One
Request to Elubatel
Chant to Elubatel
Request to Ielahiah
Chant to Ielahiah
Seal with Thooth ritual

I've also been doing a novena to St. Jude for some extra insurance.

Ielahiah is swift and reliable. I appealed to him on two occasions (minor issues, but annoying) quite recently, and he delivered. No lash backs.
Nullius in verba.

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Ielahiah success?

Post#3 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:44 pm

Lash-backs? WTF??? Since WHEN does the New Avatar Power spirits lash back at anyone? When did this occur? Besides ever thought perhaps a backhanded smack from a spirit is due in part more to "rudeness" than any so-called personal desire??? No of course not because mainstream fools have everyone convinced any sort of selfish magic will automatically cause you some sort "Karma" issues. Ugh. If you people believe in that sort of goofy thing, then I know a guy who has a used bridge for sale.

There is no Karma, only the bogeymen of your mind.

And since WHEN does good ol' Elubatel cause anyone "mental depression"?? I have known dozens of folks who summoned this NPE (Non-Physical Entity) and gotten results, while some did not, yet NONE, including yours truly, never and I repeat NEVER got anything so much as a mild headache let alone something as severe as mental depression! I'm thinking these stories are just more drama made up for others to read about than actual happenings because if you are bothered by spirit summonings to the point you get mentally depressed, then you know what? You should NOT be doing it! Period. That is your Head spirit trying to sternly warn you to stay the hell away from the practice. And if you continue to ignore those warnings, then things are quite likely to get worse than mere mental depression.

Oh and btw, congrats on your summoning success.
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Re: Ielahiah success?

Post#4 » Sat Apr 18, 2020 3:20 pm

Elubatel is in the Sour & Earthy Saturnine current.
If folks are experiencing depression upon encountering the spirit, its due to poor spiritual maintenance and upkeep.
Hopefully they are cleansing & blessing themselves afterwards and not just letting the energy sit after doing the rite.

Either do reconciliation/propitiatory work with the planet Saturn, such as honoring/venerating the planet thru altarwork,
or invoke the complementary and counter influence of Venus plus Jupiter to strengthen your more "Sweet" and pleasant feelings.
They can do that by working with Venereal and Jovial spirits, or reciting Hymns as such and burning green+gold+white candles consecrated to both powers.

Just speaking as someone who directly works with the 67BoM grimoire rather than secondhandedly thru NAP.
Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you." - Matthew 21:31

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 595

Re: Ielahiah success?

Post#5 » Fri Apr 24, 2020 3:52 pm

Amxha wrote:Elubatel is in the Sour & Earthy Saturnine current.

Well perhaps then it could be due to some folks relying too heavily on Him for everything becaue NAP lists Elubatel as the "success" spirit. I'm not certain as I've not met anyone who was actually sick from working with this spirit especially from a NAP perspective. I wonder IF these sick people tried summoning Him OUTSIDE of the NAP system?

Amxha wrote:Just speaking as someone who directly works with the 67BoM grimoire rather than secondhandedly thru NAP.

It's been my findings that when you summon spirits outside of Their chosen system, you need to have some sort of authority to get Them to cooperate (as well as behave!) If He is part of the 6/7_BoM system, then one would need to use the precautions within that system if one is summoning Him within it for some purpose.

It's been a while since I delved into the 6/7_BoM. I have a ton of material to fool around within that system.
The Original Sorcerer
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Re: Ielahiah success?

Post#6 » Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:43 pm

Brother_Moloch_969 wrote:Well perhaps then it could be due to some folks relying too heavily on Him for everything becaue NAP lists Elubatel as the "success" spirit. I'm not certain as I've not met anyone who was actually sick from working with this spirit especially from a NAP perspective. I wonder IF these sick people tried summoning Him OUTSIDE of the NAP system?

I think many users of NAP or NAP-adjacent systems (see: GOM takes on NAP-rituals) are not coming from a background informed by experience in different magical traditions, so they are unfamiliar with the consistent, ongoing spiritual upkeep that is extremely useful if not necessary with spiritwork.

This inexperienced group, per what Ive seen in my various reading requests and situations where others asked for my help, are usually not conducting or keeping up any maintenance work of any kind-- they don't regularly cleanse, they don't regularly keep up with protection practices, and they don't frequently engage in coordinated spiritual baths and diets.

I am barely surprised when they complain of having compatibility issues with a spirit or weird emotional/mental states after using a spirit-dependent spell or rite without thoroughly divining with the spirit beforehand on discussing possible imbalances/obstacles to a stable & manageable working.

This is something experience teaches (and I'm sure you're already well aware of, so I'll just explain it for all the newbies reading on), but all spiritual techniques, whether they involve a spirit's active participation or not, will always produce some form of disruption, in varying degrees of intensity or subtlety. That disruption is an unavoidable part of the process, bc it's what people are seeking by engaging in spiritual techniques to alter spiritual/material conditions.

We both understand that working within a system approved of by said spirit can somewhat streamline and prevent too much instability, but that's because most systems usually have a procedure of spiritual maintenance included within them.
67Moses has a few procedures:
  • The Law of Entrance rite with 13 days of purification or prayer and fasting,
  • The repeated invocation of selected Psalms before the Faustian operation,
  • The recommendation of fasting and purfication in the Semiphoras portion & fasting for three days before using Moses' Semiphoras,
  • Purification and fasting per the instructions of various Psalm Uses in the Sepher Shimmush Telhillim portion.

Even outside of the Abrahamic context of 67Moses, coordinated spiritual prayer and dieting is the staple of most stable spiritual practices. When it comes to spiritwork, precision and the hard effort to keep things baseline is paramount.
If folks are doing the bare minimum of the preparatory and invocation rites, and then not following up with:
  • feeding the work thru repetition,
  • reading or divining on their own spiritual conditions after every working,
  • making the effort to cleanse and balance themselves after each repetition for stability,
  • blessing themselves after any catabolic-working (ie banishing, cursing, binding, cleansing),
then any issues are entirely due to their own negligence.

Magicwork is a meticulous art. Paying attention to the details, contrary to what any bullheaded chaote insists upon, actually benefits us in the long run-- the experienced know this. It doesn't mean we have to strictly stick to all the idiosyncratic methods of the old grimoires, we just need to understand why the methods were used and what mechanics they ultimately fulfilled in each operation, then figure out more efficient ways of performing those mechanics.

Brother_Moloch_969 wrote:It's been my findings that when you summon spirits outside of Their chosen system, you need to have some sort of authority to get Them to cooperate (as well as behave!) If He is part of the 6/7_BoM system, then one would need to use the precautions within that system if one is summoning Him within it for some purpose.

It's been a while since I delved into the 6/7_BoM. I have a ton of material to fool around within that system.

Agree agree. Elubatel is mentioned mainly in the summoning and banishing of Leviathan spell:
Leviathan, regardless of whether it is actually the biblical spirit or not, is identified as an Airy spirit in 67BoM:

Elubatel involves a fourfold invoking of Earth to counteract and subdue the Airy spirit.
In the context of a wealth spell, it can make a bit of sense per my own experience with Earth, as its main impetus is to rot or decompose conditions contrary to the growth of wealth, ie debt or disadvantageous/crippling expenses.
Its a lot easier to keep money in your pocket when you don't have any parasitic forces attempting to take it from you, and a Saturnine spirit like Elubatel thoroughly & HARSHLY expunges those parasitic forces when called upon.
The side-effect of Earthy Saturn, though, when it is not maintained and dealt with, can result in heavy depression, hesititation, apathy, or unwillingness to move.
Earth's helpful quality of paralysis can also backfire on the negligent user who calls upon or invokes a powerful concentration of its power, demonstrated in the aforementioned forms of inconvenient behavioral changes.

My concern is if NAP involves a cleansing rite? I've seen the relaxation, protection, and empowerment rituals, but I haven't see any cleansing and balancing/maintenance ones to be done after the performance of an invocation or its repetition.
I would hope that most folks would amend the process by adopting a maintenance rite of their own.
Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you." - Matthew 21:31

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: Ielahiah success?

Post#7 » Tue Apr 28, 2020 8:10 am

Brother_Moloch_969 wrote:
Amxha wrote:Elubatel is in the Sour & Earthy Saturnine current.

Well perhaps then it could be due to some folks relying too heavily on Him for everything becaue NAP lists Elubatel as the "success" spirit. I'm not certain as I've not met anyone who was actually sick from working with this spirit especially from a NAP perspective. I wonder IF these sick people tried summoning Him OUTSIDE of the NAP system?

Amxha wrote:Just speaking as someone who directly works with the 67BoM grimoire rather than secondhandedly thru NAP.

It's been my findings that when you summon spirits outside of Their chosen system, you need to have some sort of authority to get Them to cooperate (as well as behave!) If He is part of the 6/7_BoM system, then one would need to use the precautions within that system if one is summoning Him within it for some purpose.

It's been a while since I delved into the 6/7_BoM. I have a ton of material to fool around within that system.

Yes i summon Elubatel outside of NAP system....It works better for me. Part of depression is with poor mental health if you cant live up to what you ask for from him (be very specific) Then yes he can make your life living hell....But at the same token ive seen things appear that only a spirit could make happen that was very good. Theirs 2 sides to the coin when dealing with this current.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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