A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapists.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#41 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:57 am

wright wrote:that 'rat' thing - i've had that happen to me. it's not a rat. you are probably being spied on by something.

in my case it turned out to be a raccoon. i'm thinking it was a shapeshifter.

i still remember one night while doing an invocation i clearly heard it running around in the attic above me, and when i did a spell i heard a BIGGER raccoon jump on it, throw it all the way across the room, and i heard it fall between the walls 2 stories. the thing screamed all the way across and down.

do some kind of banishing because you don't want to get in over your head if there is somebody shapeshifting and causing you the kind of problems i had to deal with

word tot he wise

Funny you say that. I think there's a rat and something WAY bigger as well. By the huge thumps I heard a couple of times I figured it could only be a large possum.

That said, I find it farfetched that various entities spied on me through critters in the walls.

But thanks for your input!

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2180

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#42 » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:42 pm

LEE wrote:
That said, I find it farfetched that various entities spied on me through critters in the walls.

Agreed. If ghosts, shells, remnants of old intelligent energy etc etc can manifest in order to communicate, they will. There's no need ride an animal. Unless it's spirit of a practitioner who knew how to get in and out of such things in life...

I don't know if people realize that getting "in and out of" people is not within most spirits ability.

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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#43 » Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:23 am

I'm finding that I didn't have any success with Elubatel and either of the two jobs I applied for which were well-spaced apart. I never got an interview for either despite working very hard at writing good applications. Also petitioned Iaoth, Opiel
and Petahyah to no avail

Never had Haniel come through fully for me either.

I'm wondering whether I should keep trying at this point or shift methodologies. All the things I experienced when I started slowly stopped happening. Either I became 'normalised' to all the processes ('energies') of NAP, or repeating everything somehow reduced it's effectiveness/gusto.

I'm not even sure what constitutes success. Does speaking with Arzel have more in common perceptually with talking to yourself inaudibly with your eyes shut, or talking to your neighbor Joe in the way that most people understand 'talking' to mean?

Protestant Priest

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#44 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:33 pm

lorem ipsum
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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#45 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:01 am


So do you let the spirit sodomize you? Because when it tried with me, I was in my sleep and the moment I felt something trying to penetrate me I immediately woke up and said "what the fVck!!! Get the hell away from me!!!" since then I have not experienced that.

I agree with you too, if it was a bj I'd be all over that! :wub

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#46 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:19 pm

Protestant Priest wrote:OK. I did not want to participate in this, but I might as well. I've getting sodomized by some spirits for quiet a while now. Cold breeze blowing in face, not that I don't mind the personal AC touch, by its the rape that's problematic. I also have the tingling on my head to the tip of my fingers and feet. LBRP, Solar banishing, did nothing. So, what has worked for the OP exactly. Btw, I wouldn't be posting this here if the spirit was giving a blow job. In that case, she possess all she wants :whistle .

Hmmm...... You got a astral nasty....Lavare ......Sage the hell out of your house and do an uncrossing every day. Good Ole Horney might help as well.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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