My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#31 » Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:12 am

raum215 wrote:Leviathan is Watery in correspondence. "Beelzebub" is Airy. Beelzebub is translated to "Lord of the Creatures of the Air" (Ba‘al az-Zubab). Leviathan means "the one who turns over upon himself (i.e. "Rolling" asnd "coiling" have been seen in translation) (Levi-'tun). The "Angelic names" of these infernal kings are very similar.

Beelzebub is/was "Azazel" (The Twice Great Azael) - and Leviathan is/was "Azael." The terms Beelzebub and Leviathan are epithets. Likewise "Behemoth" is/was Mahazael (The Thrice Greatest Azael"), Azael in respect of Earth.

All of these are aspects of Thrice Compounded Azael. So it is like Azael, Azael "squared" (Azazael), and Azael "cubed." (Mahazael)

What is your source for Beelzebub = Azazel, Leviathan = Azael and Behemoth = Mahazael? I ask because according to your explanation Beelzebub is higher than Leviathan whereas in Abramelin Leviathan is higher in ranking than Beelzebub.
raum215 wrote:Elubatel (of Air) has power over Leviathan (Air controls Water, expecially in Lunar aspect, such as Elubatel - who mirrors the luminary that makes visible the night). BUT - his infernal correspondent is Beelzebub - not Leviathan.

Which elemental scheme/hierarchy are you using here?

You seem to suggest that Elubatel corresponds with Yesod/Moon but I’m not fully convinced - although I do understand this logic.

I have been unsuccessful in determining which planet Elubatel corresponds to (ironic eh?) and thus unable to make a satisfactory seal. He definitely has a connection to the concept of balance, the Adjustment card, Lamed and Libra. Even the seal of Elubatel provided by Vovin - and one which I have used with success - looks like a reversed Lamed. Elubatel’s power over Leviathan finds correspondence in the Egytpian goddess Maat and the psychostasis, where Ammut awaits to devour souls beneath the scales.

(On a sidenote the concept of weight is of key importance in the psychostasis, where heart must be neither too heavy nor too light when weighed against the feather of Maat to pass into eternity. The hieroglyph for the feather is Shu, meaning “emptiness” or “void”)

I do not think Elubatel is a solar entity. The double repetition of “El” in his name points toward Jupiter in its aspect of establishment and expansion. The Hindu god Ganesh, for example, is a Jupiterian deity in its aspect of “removing obstacles/restrictions.” If anyone has credible evidence to indicate which planet/sephiroth Elubatel corresponds to, I would be interested to hear it…
raum215 wrote:So if you want to consider the connection between Elubatel and Beelzebub - they are both airy. If you want to see the connection between Elubatel and Leviathan, there is a Elemental shift of Air's role toward Air, and the High Angelic over the Low Infernal.

When it comes to claiming air has supremacy over water, it depends on which elemental scheme you refer to. There are the elemental Worlds of the Tetragrammaton (Fire/Atziluth>Water/Briah>Air/Yesod>Earth), the alchemical rotation of elements (Fire>Earth>Water>Air), or any number of elemental sequences.

You have to provide sources for your references ;)

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#32 » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:41 pm

tai wrote:First of all, your post doesn't make any sense:
Maria88 wrote: While reading it I also performed the Elubatel incantation for money several times

NAP contains a Chant For Success that calls on Elubatel and an Invocation for Money that calls on Nitika. There is no such thing as the "Elubatel incantation for money". You might want to double-check what you've been reciting 80x per day...

I recommend doing the Central Pillar/Fountain of Light and Bornless 3x before going into whatever NAP "incantation" you're referring to.

Raum215 made an interesting point about Beelzebub being the infernal counterpart to Elubatel. In The 7th Book of Moses, Elubatel is the angel of omnipotence who has power over Leviathan, a Crown Prince of Hell whom I associate with the element of Water. Whatever the case may be, Elubatel gives "clarity of mind to confound my opposers," whether they be Beelzebub or Leviathan - and these are extremely powerful entities.

"Anaphaxeton" appears in the Heptameron as a Word of Power to "exorcise the Spirits of the Air." In case you've been doing the Chant For Success, try vibrating "Anaphaxeton" while visualizing it penetrating the Earth's atmosphere and spreading Light into the darkness. After vibrating this Word, simply say it again as pronounced and continue with "which Aaron heard and spoke"...

Report back on results.

:goodpost I also have done the bornless 3 times. I felt as though my chair was spinning out of control when I did this. Topic "Crazy ride with Elubatel" is what I experienced with Elubatel at first, with the weird mishaps. But never an invasion of flies occurred.
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Magister Templi
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#33 » Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:01 pm

Warning: this is very much off-topic except to those who understand enough for it to be of use to people. Then they will see how it is entirely on subject but colored by Tai's request for more info and my sources.

tai wrote:What is your source for Beelzebub = Azazel, Leviathan = Azael and Behemoth = Mahazael? I ask because according to your explanation Beelzebub is higher than Leviathan whereas in Abramelin Leviathan is higher in ranking than Beelzebub.

The names "Azael, Azazael, Mahazael, and Samyazaz" are from the book of Enoch - but significantly - they are all connected to "AZ" which means "conflict, opposition, anti-" So Azael is literally, the "opposer of El", Azaz is a way to emphasize a term by doubling it. This is like saying you "more", and maha means "most". Finally Samy means My name is, and shows it is on some IDEAL level, or the very epitome of. Thus these are all basically gradations of the same notion of "opposer of el". Samyazaz is "Samael"

These are not "higher" that one another - they are different in "concentration." They are the singular, double, thrice and quarterly compounded natures of the same thing. This oral tradition is older than the discovery of the book of enoch, but it is supported in its discovery. Furthermore, this is useful in understanding the Chassidic work of the Lubavitch which is the practicing arm of Qabala among the Chabad (formed of the first letters of Chokmah, Binah, and Daath).

This is not where I learned this, but it is a source fairly easy to verify. I learned it from oral tradition when I was young.

The connection to Beezebub, Leviathan, Behemoth, was part of that oral tradition which alludes to the book of Job. For the connection of Job and Enoch, look to the biblical texts. The last supper of the victory banquet in the heavens will be when the behemoth (on the earth), ziz (in the skies), and leviathan (in the seas) will be served up - which is allegory for the consuption of the opposition after it has served it's purpose.

raum215 wrote:Elubatel (of Air) has power over Leviathan (Air controls Water, expecially in Lunar aspect, such as Elubatel - who mirrors the luminary that makes visible the night). BUT - his infernal correspondent is Beelzebub - not Leviathan.

Which elemental scheme/hierarchy are you using here?

Largely the same one I always use. The one that originates in the ideas that were compounded by Agrippa and Paracelsus to prevent abuse.

Fire (Heat) and Air (Cold) are aspects of Energia , and act as sustainers of the Hyle (Matter) which are elementally attributed to Water and Earth. On the level of the supernals, there is no division of earth and water. So Fire, Air, and Watter/Earth are the triplicity of the FOUR Mother letters, Aleph, Heh, Vau, and Yod. These four letters were the key to true pronunciation and even proper cadence of Hebrew Recitation before diacritics later developed. They were called even before the Masoretes, by the Romans "Matres Lectiones" - The Mothers of Reading. The notion of "Mother Letters" is not Hebrew.

They are concealed by the Talmudics in the mysteries of Aleph, Mem, and Shin. These are
Aleph = Yod
Mem = Heh
Shin = Aleph/Vau

These are in one way matched by the understandings of the elements among many other people - before neo-platonic revisions.

You seem to suggest that Elubatel corresponds with Yesod/Moon but I’m not fully convinced - although I do understand this logic.

Yesod is not the sphere of the Moon. It is the sphere of action as a sanctifying force of the material world. it correlates heavily with the Svadisthana Chakra (positively and negatively), which is actually in Vedism a trait of Rahu and Ketu. Golden Dawn Qabala attributes many of the traits of Yesod to the paths which emanate from it.

Yesod is but one aspect of the Ninth Sphere, which is the second gate of understanding. There in the ninth sphere MANY yesods, one of which is the means by which Shaddai called El Chai is the motivating for the junction of the sphere called Binah to the Sphere called Chokmah, which makes Chokmah a different Chokmah called Ratzon. Hence, Wisdom become Will when the Foundation is Strong. This is crucial to the real facility of Yesod as present in the supernals, and why in golden daw methodology the path of gimel intersects the path between Binah and Yesod, and leads from Kether of Tiphareth... and overlaps Daath which is the essend of the entire Middle Pillar.

(As you will ask for a source, I recommend Sepher Sha'ar Aur.)

I have been unsuccessful in determining which planet Elubatel corresponds to (ironic eh?) and thus unable to make a satisfactory seal.

He is above the Yetzirah - his nature is superior to conventional planetary division.

I can provide a seal if you like.

He definitely has a connection to the concept of balance, the Adjustment card, Lamed and Libra. Even the seal of Elubatel provided by Vovin - and one which I have used with success - looks like a reversed Lamed. Elubatel’s power over Leviathan finds correspondence in the Egytpian goddess Maat and the psychostasis, where Ammut awaits to devour souls beneath the scales.

I would like to see this seal. It is not something I have seen. I can see what you mean about the Egyptian. Ebony was much more likely to use Egyptian mythology in magick than I. I have done some - but it is not my forte by any means. Some people think this is odd for me, but I just gotta be me. I do know some though, and I think your comparison is worth consideration.

(On a sidenote the concept of weight is of key importance in the psychostasis, where heart must be neither too heavy nor too light when weighed against the feather of Maat to pass into eternity. The hieroglyph for the feather is Shu, meaning “emptiness” or “void”)

This is all instrumental in the nature of Hanuman as well as the interplay of the Hot and Cold of Eneria which was observed to affect Hyle (Matter) specifically in the effects of evaporation and condensation.

I do not think Elubatel is a solar entity.

There would be no reason to think he is, that I know of.

The double repetition of “El” in his name points toward Jupiter in its aspect of establishment and expansion.

El is not to me primarily equated with the palace in Assiah called "Tzedek" which is Jupiter. Nor is Chesed's primary correlation Jupiter. El is not a the name of God connected to the heaven of Assiah called Tzedek, i.e. "Jupiter." That is a perfect example of the problems with "correspondence". El is the name of God for those IN Chesed... it is not OF Chesed. The God of those in Chesed is Elohim, opf which only the El is visible.

The Hindu god Ganesh, for example, is a Jupiterian deity in its aspect of “removing obstacles/restrictions.” If anyone has credible evidence to indicate which planet/sephiroth Elubatel corresponds to, I would be interested to hear it…

Planets are not sephiroth. ALL planets are in Assiah. They are the Heavens of Assiah. but they are at most on the path of Tau in the Golden Dawn Tree. Trying to navigate the Yetzirah with a planetary compass will just keep you running in circles. Elubatel is not a being with a planetary agency.

You have to provide sources for your references ;)

The moon is as a lodestone to water, this is correlative to the creation of waves by air. All of HYLE (matter, before the division of Water and Earth) is as to the waters that are subject to the power of Elubatel. Elubatel has a place in tradition before NAP, but much of this is not easy to find in a written form. Much of what constitutes actual instruction is not published anywhere I know.

So if you ask for sources, I would and could list my lineage as a magician from four different persons, all of which MOSTLY correspond though they do not known each other, and very little of which I have found in books. There are some variances, but they are usually able to verify, and yet there is some wisdom in being able to adopt more than one assumption - it prevents the arrogance of thinking there is but one truth.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

Adeptus Minor
Posts: 653

Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#34 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:27 am

Hi Raum215

I'm in the middle of packing boxes and moving from Prague to Melbourne so I will respond when I have time. As we are moving off the OP's topic of NAP and Beelzebub, I will make a new thread and continue from there.



Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#35 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:30 pm

I had never heard of flies showing up in ones house until I read this thread.

However, if you are performing the spells from that book 80 plus times a day,

and not getting good results, I would not continue the spell casting.

I also do not recommend repeating spells from this book 80 times.

Follow the directions of the author who presumably tested the methodology.


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Magister Templi
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#36 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:41 pm

BrotherButterball wrote:I had never heard of flies showing up in ones house until I read this thread.

However, if you are performing the spells from that book 80 plus times a day,

and not getting good results, I would not continue the spell casting.

I also do not recommend repeating spells from this book 80 times.

Follow the directions of the author who presumably tested the methodology.


And the senior New Avatar technician on this forum has spoken.

I would agree in generasl, unless you are trying to learn how to summon flies - at which point you apparently are a super-star!!!
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#37 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 12:58 pm

I'm up here on the north coast of the US and I went to a food co-op today and there were flies flying around in that place. It's in the 50's out there now yet we still have flies up here.
I think if flies of any type were to show up in the middle of the winter when temps are in the 30's and 20's, that's when we should be scratching our heads about flies showing up.... but seriously, not this time of the year because the fly season really isn't over yet.

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Magister Templi
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#38 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 1:28 pm

the USA has a north coast? (in New Jersey, didn't know this. Yes, in New Jersey. Blame the wife. :rofl )
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#39 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:31 pm

:? :thinking ;)

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#40 » Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:07 am

BrotherButterball wrote:I had never heard of flies showing up in ones house until I read this thread.

However, if you are performing the spells from that book 80 plus times a day,

and not getting good results, I would not continue the spell casting.

I also do not recommend repeating spells from this book 80 times.

Follow the directions of the author who presumably tested the methodology.


:goodpost Brother Butterball! I agree, I NEVER seen flies when invoking Elubatel or any spirits from NAP.
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

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