A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapists.

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#31 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:38 pm

I think I've now cleared this all up.

Last night after doing my first set of NAP rituals at around 11pm; I performed the banishing rites three times with command/authority/conviction that my will in banishing was something from which I would not yield. I was performing the banishing in a provocative confrontational manner.

Halfway through the second time I encountered 'resistance', and by the third time my eyelids were fluttering rapidly and I saw on the inside of my eyelids a black hulking humanoid. I was experiencing wild 'chill' sensations which I've come to associate with the power of 'spirits'. It was a little bit of a tug-of-war at this point, but it was basically concentration and will which saw me through.

Afterwards I felt clearer and with a stronger sense of wellbeing. I went to sleep soon after.

I woke at 3am full of energy and feeling warm. I expected the 4:30am presence to return so I went into meditation to prepare myself before drifting into sleep with earplugs.

I awoke at 4:20am once again to footsteps which sounded louder than usual almost because I refused to notice them. I knew from my past NAP journal entries that in a few minutes the room would feel cold and I've feel cold pressures glancing me. My idea of 'banishing' which proved successful was really the deep realisation of many concepts I'd previously thought I understood. In asserting myself I realised that self-esteem is a part of who you are which is fundamentally inviolable if you accept ownership of it. I learned that being assertive flowed from a fundamental right to exist -- in whatever minute sense -- as a bastion of liberty unto yourself; that in some way I was an essential being which could not be tarred without consent.

There were a few waves of 'chills' which ran through my body, and I answered each with the resolution that I would not waver in response -- that although an ocean is impossibly vast, waves will always break when they meet rock.

I also went over the NAP banishing in my mind with whatever limited understanding I actually had of the underlying theory. The sounds seemed to get worse (as if to break my concentration) though it's hard to say because I was focussed on being resistant

I now understand why we call it 'grounding' by the end it felt like I was a lightning rod which allowed everything to be discharged and neutralised to a point of equilibrium. That said, when this was all done the room felt SO much clearer. I SUDDENLY had a sense of well-being and freedom which indicated to me that no matter how doubtful I chose to be, SOMETHING had happened -- regardless of whether I wrestled with spirits or projections of my own mind. There was no 'visualisation' involved, everything was apprehended through physical senses.

Anyway this has all been pretty new for me. Hopefully I actually have practical magical skill to show for it at some point so it's not just a 'mystical experience'. Once I've gotten what I need from NAP I want to aim for physical manifestation with another system so everything is objectively real and visible without a shadow of doubt.

Where I am now it seems like banishing depends more not in what you say but how you say it?


Thanks again all!
(PS Pablo I will peruse that link)

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Adeptus Exemptus
Posts: 2392

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#32 » Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:26 pm

Enochian wrote:NAP is not some kind of self-contained system.

All the author did was pick bits and pieces from various grimoires.

Many people can, and have, written such books.

Please get real and fumigate with frankincense ASAP.

Fumigating without doing banishing or uncrossing accomplishes nothing
"Ni neart go cur le cheile "

Posts: 157

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#33 » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:46 pm

believe what you want.

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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#34 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 9:18 am

So I've been doing both chants per day; one at night and the other upon waking.

One chant failed completely; though I changed the goal slightly and kept going. The other chant has also seemed to fail. I've been doing both for well over a month following the book religiously.

While my concentration has improved and my mental chatter has greatly decreased, I've not even come close to the results I seek.

What's going on? Is this all some form of confirmation bias, self-fulfilling prophecy, and self-hypnosis that I'm just seeing through? Not trying to trash-talk the system or anything, but I've been throwing everything into this for a while now in good faith, and while I don't want to abandon it; it seems like an objectively good decision based on the fact that this 'grace period' has not yielded any results.

Has anyone felt the same way, can anyone comment. Can anyone say genuinely that they have obtained RELIABLE results which can't be attributed to psychological self-trickery?

I expect to be achieving results which are inexplicable by reference to any paradigm of science. When I divine I expect to receive clear information that I had no way of knowing save for magic. When I cast a love spell I expect a change greater than that of behavioural modification brought about by autosuggestion. When I cast a spell for money, I expect to receive the intended amount rather than justifying that the spell worked because after the stipulated timeframe I found 200 in an envelope which I 'forgot' about.

Do I just need to hang in there? Am I doing something wrong? Am I wasting my time?
There just seems to be a disconnect between the physical sensations I experience when evoking and what tasks are performed. There is a disconnect between what the pendulum tells me and what actually happens.

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Magister Templi
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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#35 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:39 pm

Hang in there. New people often do not give themselves time to let the magic work.
The vulgar is at everyone's command. Eirenaeus Philalethes - The marrow of Alchemy

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Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#36 » Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:31 pm

Speaking of ghosts rapists, I almost got raped by a spirit once. I was sleeping on my stomach which I normally don't do, I sleep on my back. I felt something weird while in deep sleep, I felt like there was somebody trying to penetrate themselves in my butt. I immediately woke up since I'm not in to that. From then forward I only sleep on my back. If it was a female I would of let her. Not joking!

Adeptus Major
Posts: 1545

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#37 » Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:12 pm

This thread has a sensationalist air about it.

I have never heard of ghost rapists coming forth

based on something as harmless as the NAP book.


Late Edit:

Hello LEE,

I initially perused your postings for content and did not read for humor

regarding the ghost rapists.

After rereading your postings I sense that you are highly scientific

in your approach to your magic. You appear to be having poltergeist

like phenomena in your home. What I would suggest would be

learn some sort of effective banishing ritual.

I personally recommend the Solar Banishing Wave.

Once you have successfully banished any negative beings

you will clear the way for some real and effective

results oriented magic. Hope this helps in some way.


P.S. I double space my postings not because I cannot see well

but rather I learned this in screenwriting class and this is effective

in the editing process.



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Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#38 » Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:46 pm

BrotherButterball wrote:This thread has a sensationalist air about it.

I have never heard of ghost rapists coming forth

based on something as harmless as the NAP book.


If you'd read the content you would recall that I jokingly referred to a visitation

as a 'ghost-rapist'.


you'd recall I never claimed that this was caused by NAP rituals.

Apologies if upon reading the content of this thread

this was not clear to you.

Next time I shall endeavour to make things perfectly clear

upon a purely literal interpretation of the words.

Yours Sincerely,


Topic author
Posts: 18

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#39 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:15 am

BrotherButterball wrote:
Late Edit:

Hello LEE,

I initially perused your postings for content and did not read for humor

regarding the ghost rapists.

After rereading your postings I sense that you are highly scientific

in your approach to your magic. You appear to be having poltergeist

like phenomena in your home. What I would suggest would be

learn some sort of effective banishing ritual.

I personally recommend the Solar Banishing Wave.

Once you have successfully banished any negative beings

you will clear the way for some real and effective

results oriented magic. Hope this helps in some way.


P.S. I double space my postings not because I cannot see well

but rather I learned this in screenwriting class and this is effective

in the editing process.

I truly do appreciate your response Tim.

Let me begin by stating that as I mentioned extensively in a previous post in this thread, I have cleared the odd energy which had built up using the 'uncrossing ritual'. At the time it felt as though several waves of 'energy' threw themselves at my concentration until I basically outlasted them. It all felt "discharged".

I am not sure what it means to say that I am 'scientific'. I am certainly not out to 'debunk' evocation, I simply believe that any successful working should systematically produce subjective (if not objective) results. If such expectations are too lofty, then as a necessary consequence all magic is reducible to self-delusion and self-hypnosis. The first magical 'school' of thought I was involved in some 10 years ago believed that a complete understanding of science, logic, and psychology was more crucial to the magician than to any other member of society, and rightfully so.

Any 'occultist' ought to have a standard by which to examine his results and experience - otherwise he is just a lunatic playing guessing games and constructing a glass-house of unfounded beliefs <end rant>.

Because you will never have the opportunity to know me in person, I only ask that you pretend I'm not an idiot (contrary to what the demographic of internet use suggests). The following I provide merely for context: Since childhood, to my current age as a young adult I've transformed. I've been a hopelessly depressed fat kid, casting off the shackles of abuse, somehow making it through adolescence despite purely escapist drug use, social isolation, and a complete lack of what a positive life would even look like. Right now I am extremely lean and strong, handsome (or so I'm often told), and finishing a law degree in a premier law school. But the problems I have now are too complex, have endured too long, and nothing I can do seems to help.

So I think it's safe to say self-control, discipline, or a resistance to internal change is my problem. I'm not looking for 'rituals' which are mere 'self-hypnosis', since I'm more than capable of changing my behaviour at will. My motivation, diligence, or attention to detail are not lacking when I perform these rituals - nor do I lack creativity (My natural thought patterns are highly artistic). What I need are concrete solutions to very definite, and what I regard to be very important problems. For instance, I'm petitioning Elubatel for a particular graduate job. Should I not obtain it, there is a looming possibility that I will be homeless in the very near future, and in financial slavery for an indeterminate period of time after that.

So perhaps my approach seems 'scientific'. I prefer to think measured and driven. I'm not looking for a feel-good philosophy or some quirky religion. I only need results. My mental, physical, and financial resources are too tied up in surviving to be distracted with either proving or debunking magic. Essentially, if my rituals are not going to be successful, I'd rather know sooner than later - because every hour I waste is deficit-spending.

Again, I only mention all this because in troubleshooting my rituals it is necessary to know whether I'm an incompetent retard. I hope you can fairly assume that I'm not. Hopefully Pablo is correct and I simply need to persist. Anyway it's time for my pre-bed NAP rituals

Yours Sincerely,

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Posts: 83

Re: A weird 12 hours of NAP: Angels, spirits, and ghost-rapi

Post#40 » Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:30 pm

that 'rat' thing - i've had that happen to me. it's not a rat. you are probably being spied on by something.

in my case it turned out to be a raccoon. i'm thinking it was a shapeshifter.

i still remember one night while doing an invocation i clearly heard it running around in the attic above me, and when i did a spell i heard a BIGGER raccoon jump on it, throw it all the way across the room, and i heard it fall between the walls 2 stories. the thing screamed all the way across and down.

do some kind of banishing because you don't want to get in over your head if there is somebody shapeshifting and causing you the kind of problems i had to deal with

word tot he wise

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