My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#11 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:31 pm

RAWsaysimapope wrote:Very strange experience I've felt more positive since reading the book but I definitely think it has a extremely powerful energy within it. I had some strange dream occurences directly before and after I read the Necronomicon although I believe NAP has dispelled these completely. I felt a presence last night and could hear the usual static buzz/cricket noises but I didn't feel it was a negative presence, I actually felt comforted. I had no Sleep Paralysis or vivid nightmares as I was expecting.

Come to think of it, I havent had a single dream since last week after this all started and I have always been a vivid dreamer. I also didnt feel any positive vibes instead felt drained of all my energy and on top of that this heavy feeling has engulfed me as if my body is dirty and the flies know it. :cry:

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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#12 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:45 pm

They came in during the night for me as well. My windows and doors were closed, I had my AC on, and woke up in the morning with them buzzing all around the place. Do you still have them in your house? You should bug-spray them or something.

@RAW: Naw, the Point A exercise was the same as ever for me; just the usual floaty feeling and tingling sensations. The ritual failed for me though, but it was probably because I did it just once.
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#13 » Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:05 pm

Maria88 wrote: OMG thats exactly whats happened to me. I'm at the 17th floor. There's no way in hell these flies all just decided to invade my apartment out of nowhere. I'm in Canada and our streets here have zero garbage laying around let alone flies buzzing around it. Its a very clean city and building and I keep my apartment super clean as well. They are still here though and no matter how many I shoo out they keep coming back. They are also HUGE in size and very dark in color. They also appeared overnight when both my windows were locked.

Before you break out the vacuum with the extension wand and suck them up. Do some research on the web to see if similar things have happened to anyone else; try the NAP sub-forum. In the mean time see this as a good thing. Atleast you're not being ignored. :D
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#14 » Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:42 am

Daenil wrote:
Maria88 wrote: OMG thats exactly whats happened to me. I'm at the 17th floor. There's no way in hell these flies all just decided to invade my apartment out of nowhere. I'm in Canada and our streets here have zero garbage laying around let alone flies buzzing around it. Its a very clean city and building and I keep my apartment super clean as well. They are still here though and no matter how many I shoo out they keep coming back. They are also HUGE in size and very dark in color. They also appeared overnight when both my windows were locked.

Before you break out the vacuum with the extension wand and suck them up. Do some research on the web to see if similar things have happened to anyone else; try the NAP sub-forum. In the mean time see this as a good thing. Atleast you're not being ignored. :D

It's easy for me to say this from this distance as I'm not experiencing the negative things you are but I definitely agree with the above. At least you're not being ignored! Could it be that some negative leech type beings have picked up on you channeling positivity for yourself through the NAP and are trying to dissuade you?

Have you used the banishing techniques detailed in the Magic Mentor section?
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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#15 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:00 pm

Maria88 wrote:
RAWsaysimapope wrote:Very strange experience I've felt more positive since reading the book but I definitely think it has a extremely powerful energy within it. I had some strange dream occurences directly before and after I read the Necronomicon although I believe NAP has dispelled these completely. I felt a presence last night and could hear the usual static buzz/cricket noises but I didn't feel it was a negative presence, I actually felt comforted. I had no Sleep Paralysis or vivid nightmares as I was expecting.

Come to think of it, I havent had a single dream since last week after this all started and I have always been a vivid dreamer. I also didnt feel any positive vibes instead felt drained of all my energy and on top of that this heavy feeling has engulfed me as if my body is dirty and the flies know it. :cry:

Ive had weird things happen to me invoking Elubatel.... But never had an invasion of flies. You need to do some serious banishing before invoking Elubatel again. Try burning some frankincense and myrrh resin or incense before do any rituals. The LBRP or uncrossing. Seems you invited some unwanted guest.
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#16 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:30 pm

This is going to sound strange. I have literally no advice as for whether or not they're a sign, but it sounds like it. Now that you mention it we did have a lot of flies in my house over the summer, and I just assumed they came in as passengers on some bananas. These were little tiny fruit flies. I did the Elubatel ritual nearly ever single work day this summer. I have no idea if there is a correlation.

Anyway if you want to be rid of them I would get a bottle of cheap, cheap, cheap wine in a fruity flavor and open it and leave it overnight. We're talking rotgut stuff. MD40 is like less than 5 dollars a bottle. They're attracted by the disgusting scent and drown themselves in droves.

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Magister Templi
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#17 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:22 am

This is actually a sign you have much to go, Beelzebub, the lord of the creatures of the air (i.e. lord of the flies), is the infernal correspondent to Elubatel. This means essentially you need to insulate your flow of NAP from flowing into the infernal realms.

There is nothing to keep you from working in infernal realms, but it is not the intent of NAP, so in this case, it is a sign of not being "water-tight." That is, of course, in my opinion and by my diagnosis. To my knowledge there is no working in the infernal realm in NAP whatsoever. What this means to me is you are not focused enough on what you are doing and are perhaps mixing your efforts in too many planes.

Keep in mind, the infernal does have its place, and it is part of the full scope of magick, it is just out of place in NAP, and thus it would not manifest properly. In this case, I would not continue until you make peace or cease persistence in a "Luciferian" current. Otherwise, it could cause your results to backfire and not have the intended or hoped effect.

For example, rarely do we just want more money or better employment for its own sake, but we hope with it will come
something more" - be it respect from other, or validation of our own talents. it is entirely possible to get for example a great paying job that makes you feel constantly defeated, or to get money that carries a burden of expectation from others. This is not the purpose of NAP, and would be contrary to its nature. But in some currents, this is exactly the point, success that comes, for example tainted with the misery of others, or the loathing of the means by which it is gained.

Also keep in mind, Aggripically, infernal is not connected to a religion it is connected to the roots of greed, pride, envy, and wrath in imbalanced formations. All that proclaims to be "left hand" is not "infernal" in the sense of which I speak, and Agrippa referenced. I mention this because the term "infernal", which means "internal or below" i.e. what we would call "imbalanced because it is restricted or repressed" - to some has been romanticized as per Paradise Lost or other luciferean notions of freedom, and others are liberated from, and thus bear no stigma towards. These do have their place in the magical scheme of things, but not at the level of NAP, and it is not the work of a Adeptus Majorum - which is specifically tasked with addressing them macrocosmically.
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Adeptus Minor
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#18 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:46 am

Wow, it's the year of the flies.....

I live in Canada as well (Toronto) and this is the first time in years I've
gotten so much flies in my house, constantly for days, 3-6 of them. I've
been taking them out but it seems everyday, they just keep sprouting
back up.

But mind you, I've been experimenting with Lucifer and the Goetia more often
these days (actually the experiment ended a couple of days ago) for something
I am working with so I've thought of something akin to what Raum suggested.

But my neighbor have recently told me he's gotten flies in his house as well, so
it could be the season but a part of me is also saying I could be the root cause.

Overall, the weather is changing and I haven't seen a peep out of them.....

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Magister Templi
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#19 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:50 am

the experience of a season can be itself a sign of a infernal repression imblanced.

Keep in mind "hot" and "cold" are subjective.

but macrocosmically - I know people who have more flies, but even upon leaving food, fruit, out trash, even with windows and patio doors open and not taking ANY measures to keep bugs at bay - some of us are not getting flies or bugs. At most, I have a phantom odor.

Reason is not the source of bugs, but it can be an avenue to tolerating them.
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I YHVH do all these things.

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Adeptus Exemptus
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Re: My 1st Experience with NAP! Flies Invade Apartment!

Post#20 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:59 pm

This doesnt sound like the nature of Elubatel or NAP spirits. If spirits are the cause I would say a more demonic spirit. Long time ago we had a curse on us and our house was infested with large flies at one time. You need to cleanse your house with sage and copal resin and do some banishing and uncrossing.
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