Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

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Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

Post#1 » Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:55 pm


2 questions please about the NAP and the MG rituals

1. Once a ritual has been completed properly and we know contact has been made, and instructions given to the spirit, what advantage is there to repeat the same ritual? If this has been explained please provide the link, thanks

2. For rituals which are continuous (eg. protection) What is the effective duration on average of a given NAP spell or ritual? For example, is it one lunar cycle?

Thanks in advance

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

Post#2 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:51 am

1. ... repetition

2. Protection rituals tend to be effective for a shot while, that's why we tend to tie
them towards a talisman and even that is not as long lasting as it seems.

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Posts: 81

Re: Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

Post#3 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:23 pm

Thanks for the link

I am not referring to repetition within the same ritual however, I'm referring to the practice of repeating the ritual itself until I get results. Eg. If I have properly (i.e. according to the Grimoire) contacted Arzel and a spirit and given the spirit instructions, what is the advantage in repeating the same ritual several times until I get results?
i.e. wasn't the first ritual effective?

Thanks in advance

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

Post#4 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:02 pm

I guess it wasn't so clear in that posting but basically, it's up to you.
(I'm sure this inquiry was covered already) Technically, repeating
the ritual ensures that you're communicating your wish properly -
also, you are sending your wish energy every time you do it and that
there is power in repetition.

General practice however can be daily till your wish has been accomplished
or a weeks worth of repetition and wait for signs that it worked.

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Posts: 81

Re: Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

Post#5 » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:07 pm

Technically, repeating
the ritual ensures that you're communicating your wish properly -
also, you are sending your wish energy every time you do it and that
there is power in repetition.

Thanks for your explanation.
This is the part that I do not clearly understand.
I believe that in the first ritual I have properly contacted and communicated with the spirits, and expressed my wish clearly and with appropriate energy.

Is the NAP principle similar to the principle of the parable in Luke 18:1 (repeated petition)?

Thanks in advance

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Adeptus Minor
Posts: 813

Re: Repeating Rituals & Effective duration of spells

Post#6 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:53 am

What I do sometimes is I do a full ritual and then supplementary, smaller
rituals afterwards.

The power of repetition is seen in some traditions; ATRs, eastern esotericism,
sects of witchcraft - it just how you want to play with it and what works with

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