The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb

Topic author
Kuruvar Nessaron
Posts: 9


Post#1 » Mon May 17, 2021 8:26 pm

Hello everyone.
I begin by thanking you all for your welcome.
Anyone who does not know me can read something
about me in the presentations.
Although the title of this tread is reminiscent of a 90s TV series, it explains very well what the content will be.
I intend to post what I have learned and will discover
in this new path of mine.
Just like many, I landed on this forum looking for information, and I learned many fundamental things.
I hope this little contribution of mine can help someone someday.

Well, let's get to the practical things.
The New Avatar Power is a perfect book to approach
with invocations and rituals.
I found many difficulties in the rituals described in
other grimoires, due to complicated materials or timing
for my situation.
In NAP I found a fascinating system, simple to implement. But in its simplicity, it taught me what I believe is a fundamental characteristic in life,
especially in that of a magician: Discipline.

Meditating after invoking Arzel, learning the words of
power and invocations, pronunciations,
doing the ritual possibly at the same time and place:
all these directives are carried out for self-discipline, to train the mind and establish a connection with the Entity.

The first discipline lesson you will encounterwill be
to read the entire book before performing the rituals. Personally I found this warning from Mr. Cobb very useful, because many times we rush to want to grab spells and curses like in a flea market, losing all context, origins and true purpose.
Why is this spell or ritual in this magical book?
What is the purpose of the book?
Why is it in my hands today?
This was my first lesson.

I will also pause for a minute on the question of authenticity. I have often read of people wondering if a PDF version has the same "power" as a paper version.
I had a PDF version.
At the time, original paper versions were not possible
in my country, and purchasing them was not an option either, due to the high cost.
Much later, I learned that Mr. Cobb's daughter Vicky has arranged to provide a reprint.
But how could I have solved it at the time?
Showing due respect to the essence of the book.
And how?
I translated the book into my language by hand.
I could insert the file directly into Google translate,
and be content with a bland translation, useful for making the words of the rituals understandable, but I didn't.
So I created my own book of the New Avatar Power.
I'm still here, I haven't been hit by any curses and the rituals have worked well.
But because at the base there is respect, love for what I was doing and respect for what someone else did.
Second lesson for me.

I don't want to create long posts, so I will divide them into parts so that it is more usable to read.
I want to tell about my experiences with Entities,
of how I avoided Elubatel because my mind was conditioned by some voices of "depression" that I had heard around,
of the beautiful relationship created with Nitika,
of the magic that is in saying thank you,
of how these entities change your being.
For now, consider this post as my premise.
See you next time!

Kuruvar Nessaron

(Keep it going...)

Posts: 187


Post#2 » Tue May 18, 2021 8:09 pm

Thanks for this post.

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Luqman Bashiru
Posts: 77


Post#3 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:04 am

Looking forward for more practical successful work from you.

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Posts: 383


Post#4 » Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:34 am

A very thoughtful post. Thank you for sharing!
Nullius in verba.

Topic author
Kuruvar Nessaron
Posts: 9


Post#5 » Sat Aug 07, 2021 2:45 pm

How to understand if our wish is fulfilled?
How do we know if what we are asking is actually the right thing for us?
In fact, we don't know.
This is why we often rely on entities. I mean, we are magical, we can do great operations, spells or curses, and be successful in that. But then why should we invoke a certain entity?
Because maybe he knows more than we do.
If you want to read the whole practical experience I had with Elubatel, follow this link:

Here I will instead make this small and brief reflection.
Like many, I found myself asking for wealth and power dreaming of achieving my goals.
Basically, when we have a goal, the logical consequence of our magic is the manifestation of that goal.
But that's not always the case, especially for larger goals.
What manifests itself in our wrapped life is something completely different.
These things I found when I read in the various forums, of people who told disastrous experiences with Elubatel.
Abrupt separations from loved ones, evictions, layoffs, breaking cars, a disaster! And depression! How many times have I read about the depression caused by Elubatel!
Well, let me say my thoughts, my two cents on the matter.
Why should an entity, especially angelic like Elubatel, harm a person like this?
Before Tommy led a normal life, nothing sensational, but normal like many, then out of curiosity and desire for success, he calls Elubatel and everything falls apart!
Tommy doesn't see.
Tommy focused on his ultimate successful fantasy, seeing himself well dressed, with the rolex on his wrist, as he gazes out over the city from his penthouse pool.
In his Final Fantasy, Tommy delights in the company of busty women, champagne and luxury, while his company makes millions of dollars for him.
What Tommy doesn't consider is that to get to his Final Fantasy, there is a way to go.
And this path probably includes changing mentality, becoming temperamentally and psychologically different from what Tommy currently is, means renunciations and conquests.
Not gifts, but achievements. And they are obtained with difficulty.
All this Elubatel knows well, sees Tommy's dream, sees what success means for Tommy, sees what his current obstacles are and removes them.
Because? Why Tommy asked!
And here comes a dismissal, because Elubatel knows that that job will lead to nothing and being fired will open your eyes to a new opportunity.
And here the relationship ends, it was going well it seemed, but Elubatel saw that that relationship would generate a family shortly thereafter, and this would slow your climb to success, making you take another path.
We do not see 360 ​​degrees, it is not in our capacity.
Perhaps it is, our mind can, in reality we can do everything, but having certain skills requires intensive spirit development, which does not match the rhythms and life of today's society.

This is why when we approach an Entity, to obtain its favor and its help, we must be aware of Who this entity is and What is our goal.
We can't blame someone just because we're not ready.
This I understood by working with Elubatel.
He can be a powerful ally in your life, a teacher and a friend.
But don't put limits on his power, as he is an Angel of Omnipotence.
If you call on him, have faith and be ready.
Good luck Tommy boy.

In the link left above, you can find my first personal experience with Elubatel in detail.
I hope that it will all be interesting for beginners and a pleasant read for those who already have experience.
A hug and see you next time.

Kuruvar Nessaron


Adeptus Minor
Posts: 557


Post#6 » Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:51 am


Posts: 12


Post#7 » Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:11 am

:goodpost :goodpost :Thank You

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