Nap Success Stories

The methods and techniques outlined in The Miracle of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#431 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:59 pm

Exactly, I called Elubatel only twice in the last year and a half maybe. And you feel it going and going like it's all the same big plan. I'm actually going to call Elubatel again not because I think "I need a refill" but more to kind of aknowledging that I'm aware of it and I am agreeing with keeping the arrangement.
Since I am the biggest noob and have no skill at all at comunicating directly, I still feel this as a very natural way of doing it for me for now.
Doing is learning what you need to do

Posts: 455

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#432 » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:44 am

I am at a loss for the next stage of my life - but I am actually not comfortable calling Elubatel for it. I've called him to great success for works I've done for others (in the case of my family, it almost seems like one of those crazy NAP testimonials in the book), and those others have said, "why don't you call Elubatel for yourself." A couple of these people are fixated on the idea of me working with Elubatel for my own work (which I wouldn't discuss with them, anyway; that I told them what I did, was because it was on their behalf, and they were privy to it).

But not every entity is appropriate to everything! Like - I'm doing a very major personal transformation work which will weave together multiple things in my life. But my gut feeling is that a hypersigil is much more relevant to this work than Elubatel would be.

Honestly, situations like some of the ones I've seen reported on here, make a case for doing divination work before doing high-energy magick. Or, if you have K&C of HGA (or whatever is equivalent in your system), then checking in with HGA on what you're thinking of doing (my work I'm doing is directly prescribed by mine).

I don't bother divining when it's a simple type of thing - like doing a candle spell either immediately before or after applying for a bunch of jobs for which I'm already a competitive candidate. This tends to be relatively straightforward and I've given the magickal work a place to go - something to work on. There's relatively little chance my job will come as the result of some kind of misfortune to someone close to me, particularly if I specify that I don't want this to be the case.

But in doing high energy work where I visualize an end result but the "getting there" is pot luck - yes, in that case, I'd either want to check in with my gut feeling and or HGA, and possibly do divination.

Some of my most powerful magick has been "high" magick, no doubt, and where I did not do much physical activity beyond the magick itself toward making the thing happen. But some of my most efficient magick, where there were the fewest nasty surprises, has been low energy stuff toward a goal I'm already working on.
My NEW Magickal Blog: Dreamingflight

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#433 » Tue May 03, 2016 8:02 am

I`ve been working with 3 chants, and the only one I had succes every time was the money chant. Nitika is awesome and he can delivers literally as much as you ask. Using this system i was able to receive money within 1-3 weeks.
Once used Magical Cashbook and started to notice results after 24 hours but i prefer use NAP :)
There is one succes story which is funny, i did the chant for a friend of mine I wasn`t sure about the amount because he has some serious financial troubles so i asked Nitika ' please send him as much as you can, at the beginning if the bill of 100 of our local currency will fall from the sky under his feet it will be great! " and.... it happened exactly as I asked , he found bill with that amount on the street ;)

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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#434 » Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:02 am

I have two requests to solve, one of health and another of employment, I could do both desires in a single session of nap? Anyone have any guides or anything to say about it?

nap ritual

1: elubatel
2: nitika
3: zorael sabriel
4: iaot petahya opiel

Posts: 455

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#435 » Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:48 pm

tmer wrote:I have two requests to solve, one of health and another of employment, I could do both desires in a single session of nap? Anyone have any guides or anything to say about it?

nap ritual

1: elubatel
2: nitika
3: zorael sabriel
4: iaot petahya opiel

Your mileage may vary but... I would ALWAYS prioritize health first... don't do magic if you're ill, unless it's to heal yourself.
My NEW Magickal Blog: Dreamingflight

Posts: 6

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#436 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:49 pm

Has anyone gotten really good success with Ielahiah, specifically when the odds seem to be very against you? I'm trying to plot some direction for my life. I've done his chant, but today was a bad day. Basically, I was wondering what the limitations are in magick.

I've done some rituals in the past with some success, but they were for things I'd call "easy wins." Just little confident boosters and nothing big or major. I stuck with them because I have a very hard time getting into trance for some reason. Maybe it's the ADD, LOL.

Posts: 12

Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#437 » Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:06 pm

I wanted to post a NAP success story. I am very grateful to write that I did the biggest money ritual so far in my life. My background is mainly Wicca and Paganism. I have been working with NAP and MG by Frater Malak (both books by Geof Gray-Cobb).
I am also reading the Gallery of Magic book series by Damon Brand and company.

I did the NAP Invocation For Money on page 52 with the spirit named Nitika. I am a single woman between jobs right now so of course I'm interested in all types of money magic. In the past, I've done a little Hoodoo work with mojo bags, setting up lights, beginning folk magic, and basic candle burning magic for money. I've received gifts and discounts on items, mainly small stuff.

I started doing the Invocation For Money every night for a week. I swear that after a couple of rituals, I saw a clairvoyant picture in my head of my house mailbox. Then I heard a clairaudient word, "mailbox". I continued doing this money ritual for a few more days until it seemed like it was done.

About two weeks later, I heard a loud banging on my front door around 5:00 AM. I live alone so I never open the door to strangers. I cautiously looked outside and my house looked fine so I went back to bed. Later that morning, I opened my front door and there was a business card from General Insurance Company and a card from the sheriff. My next door neighbor saw me and talked to me. He told me that another neighbor was wildly driving early morning and hit his truck in their driveway, along with my mailbox. I called the insurance company and placed a claim. I can't believe that I was awarded the maximum claim amount through online direct deposit into my checking account before the end of the month for the amount of $500! I specifically asked for the amount of $500 or more (with no harm to none) to get me through a lean time in my life. Maybe next time I will keep asking for $5,000,000 but just kidding! LOL! Money rituals work when there is a true need and not greed.

BTW: My mailbox damage was very minor with a slightly dented door and the post was knocked down. I propped up my mailbox post with big rocks from my backyard so it looks like no real damage according to the HOA in my neighborhood. So, I really did make $500.

Thanks so much Geof Gray-Cobb and Nitika!

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Adeptus Minor
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Re: Nap Success Stories

Post#438 » Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:37 pm

CrystalRain wrote:I did the NAP Invocation For Money on page 52 with the spirit named Nitika. I am a single woman between jobs right now so of course I'm interested in all types of money magic. In the past, I've done a little Hoodoo work with mojo bags, setting up lights, beginning folk magic, and basic candle burning magic for money. I've received gifts and discounts on items, mainly small stuff.

Unfortunately that is what typical Hoodoo or folk sorcery often does “because” it tends to work as charms of attraction such as a magnet without a single directed purpose as say a focused ritual working will do. JuJu bags are best used, in my experience, as supplements to these workings where you do say a candle working over the period of a week (or better yet, 21 days) to set up a chain reaction of events to bring the desired outcome to fruition and THEN the JuJu bag will act as an anchor for the working, you see? 8^) You can make the bag ahead of time however it is best if you consecrate & charge it at the start of your 7/21 day working so that it can begin to work as your rite’s anchor. When the ritual is completed, carry the bag on you religiously and sleep with it under your pillow. Put a drop of whiskey on it once a week and tell it your financial desires as you asked for during your 7/21 day rite. See if that doesn’t work any better for you next time. ;^)

CrystalRain wrote:I started doing the Invocation For Money every night for a week....(snipped)... I specifically asked for the amount of $500 or more... (snipped)... Money rituals work when there is a true need and not greed.

Well that may have something to do with Money Sorcery in general because I tend to think people get what they “genuinely believe” they “deserve” INSTEAD OF what they “want” when it comes to money. Understand? Because it’s tied to one’s inner social complex with how you were raised as well as your current personal ambitions. This is why so many people never achieve great financial success in life because they are too busy being mom’s & dad’s to their kids, being good neighbors, home owners, and etc. Most successful people in life work 60+ hours per week and the high earners often work 70 hours or more a week. I was offered a few executive sales positions in my life that could easily have led to six figure income careers but seriously I would NEVER seen my kids grow up as I would have been out on the road and only home for weekends & holidays - even if that much. However the financial gains, benefits packages, and such were staggering to say the least.

Start believing you deserve to achieve more, own more and have more money until it becomes an ingrained belief in your mind that you constantly think about ways you can make money, and money will start flowing to you in ways you cannot imagine. It’s like the spirits open up the gates and let the cash flow so long as you continue to believe you deserve it, opportunities will continue to arise - like magic.

But see IF you refuse to get your head on straight FIRST and try to force the Universe to conform to your ideals without doing the work you know you need to do, i.e. believing you deserve to be successfully well off financially at whatever level you feel comfy at, then regardless of how much you enchant, cast or conjure for money, it will come in spurts, drips & droplets instead of a stream. One must always have their mind in sync with the goal they are working towards and unfortunately today, far too many have a “It’s-better-to-be-Poor-Than-Wealthy-mentality” which flies in direct opposition to Money Sorcery.

Good luck to you on your next NAP adventure.
The Original Sorcerer
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