POSSESSION: Part 2 - Conscience Transfer & Time Travel & Dreams

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POSSESSION: Part 2 - Conscience Transfer & Time Travel & Dreams

Post#1 » Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:25 am

Some time ago, in 2012, I posted a thread regarding the study of Possession, in terms of transfering thy conscience into another humans body temporarily or.. permanent.

The thread was closed because it went off topic before I can get it back on:


Yea. So...

To repeat, my end goal aka real agenda is to transfer my own conscience into my own body, from another time period in the past.

Effectively, this deals with time travel as well. Physicists believe when it comes to "time", accordingly everything is "now". In other words, the past and present and future exist at the same "time". This ties into the multi-universe and holographic theories. Consider Deja Vu... could that not be a touch from another dimension whereas you had synced for a moment with another you on a similar path?

And I intend to manipulate such.

Now when it comes to dreams, I have had some personal experiences that made me caution something that scientists say is fragile and unreliable: Memories.

Everytime you remember an event per se, neuroscientists claim that you are (in computer lingo) opening a file that you can edit at will. Everytime you remember something, that version of the memory is the record of the the last time you remembered it. Its not original, and can be manipulated. Theres if not hundreds of studies in the realm of memory, how it is faulty and can be changed up.

Now when it comes to dreams, heres the curious thing: Ive had dreams where I see a person, place, or thing, and I recall seeing it before. It is sooooo memorable. I have history with this person place or thing. Yet when I wake up, Im stupified. I never ever had history with this or that. Hell, Ive had had dreams where Im looking at art pieces I did, and I recall them so easy, remembering when I did them. Every detail. I wake up and realize, No, I never did that.

OK so some might say hey, that was indeed true, for the dimension you were in. But say if thats not the case, then I would ASSume my conscience is making shit up so damn convincingly, and in the dream world, logic and reason and attention is out the window. For all I know, the past 10 years of my life is a made up memory. Dreams within dreams. Now let me explain why I feel this is pertinent to the topic at hand:

Waking up from dreams, we all experience dream rot. This is where the dream memories fade away. Perhaps you run into someone or something later in the day and it triggers your recall of a dream you had no clue prior of having. Now... if I can transfer my conscience into another body... in the present, or what I intent to do ...in the past, how can I secure MY memories? Im suspecting, just like dream rot, after a transfer, your own conscience memories are susceptible to those fades. And that is a huge problem for my agenda. Because if I transfer my conscience into my own body from the past and start life from that point/ age, I will be damned if I lose the memories and knowledge and learnings that I acquired since. It would completely defeat the point of my intentions... Unless say the subconscience retains it.

Any ideas, thoughts, insights, experiences, stories, anything... that anyone can share I would be forever grateful.

A very close friend of mine, that I love deeply, told me that in the present I have to use the perception that I am in the reality dimension NOW in which the thing in my past that I did, does not exist, I never did it. I told her I get her point, yet, in my present there are reminders and things I go through that are direct reflections and results of this past. Therefore, this dimension Im in, I need to leave, and I want to start over, and retain my growth, and effectively kill myself ... the version of me in the past by taking over that body and making the right choices on the right paths. Fuck remembering lottery number winnings or sports results. Fuck money.

And fuck anyone who says this is impossible. Because its not. But if Im not rightfully prepared and armed with wisdom and knowledge and understanding in this endeavor, it all becomes another tragedy, and personally, I need to do this without error. I need help.

And so I am asking for Your thoughts.
IG: 3v01v3
im good at drawing stick figures.
Thats about it.
Figures one of these sentences is a lie, but not this one.

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