Hecate, first encounter

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Hecate, first encounter

Post#1 » Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:12 am

It was about 1979, I had just become an elder Witch in our tradition.
The Priestess of our Coven, Soror Nephthys, would take us on New
Moons to a place called Mount Diablo to invoke. Diablo is a high windy rocky mountain peak that has a park and campgrounds at it's base. After several Covenings with Hecate, I felt ready for a personal encounter. At the "dark of the dark", the New Moon nearest the
Winter Solstice, we went to Diablo for me (I was priest of the Coven
at the time) to have a one-on-one with Hecate. I thought it was to be
an introduction, it turned out to be an initiation.
At the appointed time, the Priestess and the entire coven were
stricken with some mysterious condition that left them all incapacitated and nearly immobile.
I proceeded alone to the rocky mountain top, freezing cold, naked, and scared shitless. As I stood on that rocky outcrop,
invoking with all my heart, suddenly the wind stopped, and the
clouds cleared. I could see the dark Moon without a speck of light
touching it, and i froze.
She came in a vision, riding a spotted pony, long dark hair flowing
in the wind. She appeared younger and more beautiful than I had
expected. She claimed me as Her own, snatched me up as you would
snatch up the last piece of chicken at the bar-b-que. I thought I was
dead for sure.
She told me I would be Her Priest. She told me how to call Her.
She told me how to see Her in the things around me at all times,
day or night.
Since then She's been with me every minute of every day, whispering in my ear when I least expect it, totally possessing me
when I formally invoke Her at the Esbats.
When it comes my time to die, the last thing I see will be Her,
riding to embrace me. She has promised me that.

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