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Hecate vs Ishtar

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:55 am
by Darrel

I have found myself at crossroad , with the goddess of the crossroads so to speak. lol

Both Ishtar and Hecate, seem to call out more strongly to me, than any other deities i have encountered. Problem is, I'm not sure how to incorporate both of them as patron goddesses.

They share alot of symbolism ( conquering the underworld, the crescent moon and star etc) and at the same time are very different.

What I would like to please ask, is that can they both be worshipped as patron deities. I have a huge oak cupboard for example and would like hecate on the left, symbolizing the beauty of Darkness balanced with Ishtar on the right, symbolizing light.

And ideas, or thoughts?

Thank you
