Vlaska Magick

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Vlaska Magick

Post#1 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:23 pm

Serbian Vlachs are an ethnic minority in Serbia. Magic was always an important part of Vlach life and their customs, rituals and everything Vlachs believe in has magical traits. Relations between humans, saints and devil, and the hieararchy are dualistic, no creation without clash and opposites. Vlach magic is a miracle or is miraculous, when looking at how long it has been present, its unique rituals, beliefs, shamans and spells. Vlach culture intertwined with pagan customs and interesting rituals, makes the municipalities in Eastern Serbia mysterious places in modern 21st century Europe, because the Vlachs are a mostly closed (endogamous) population which do not blend with people of other nationalities.The thing that has always been linked to the folklore of the Vlachs and which still attracts a large number of people to come and visit some remote parts of Eastern Serbia is definitely a  certain mystery which represents the essential part of the culture of this nation. The Vlach population respects pagan customs and believes in so-called “black” and “white” magic. This phenomenon is characterized by the presence of a  large number of rituals taking place in various places (rivers, streams, forests, crossroads..) depending on the purpose of the magical deed. Believing in magic is characteristic for people living in this area, but also attracts people from different parts of Serbia and Europe who come to visit the local women who are popularly believed to possess a “shamanistic talent.” There are no schools or groups for practicing this kind of magick. Ordinary people are the creators of this knowledge and their experience in doing that is predominantly acquired through heritage. The knowledge is passed down as a tradition or comes into being during particular conditions, stimulated by certain inner urges. Birth, growing up, pre-marital life, marriage and death are all parts of the lives of these people which are determined by certain ritual and magic-religious practices.
1. Initial (certain action begins with this magic)
2. Apotropeic (the goal is to remove and prevent, some kind of evil or the influence of an evil force by using a different kind of action)
3. Verbal (the goal is to drive away some kind of evil or gain what is necessary by using words, prayer, curse)
4. Love (by using different kinds of words or actions, the person tries to inveigle certain people to fall in love)
5. Medical or preventive (applied in order to maintain health or regain it for ill persons)
6. Agricultural (ensures good yield and wealth)
7. Meteorogical (the goal is to influence natural phenomena)
8. Military (the goal is to prevent man from getting injured in war or to win a battle)

I'm not sure if it's right to say that a specified magic is stronger than another one, but still, it's believed that Vlachs Magick is next to Voodoo. Some people believe it to be the strongest magick practiced in our time.

A pact with God and Devil

In Vlach religion, Devil is not that 'black' as in the Christian beliefs. The story says this:
"A God sent an angel to the Earth to find Adam and to take one rib from him in order to create a woman. Angel took Adams rib. When he was leaving the Earth Devil popped in front of him. Devils intention was to see how the human rib was made, and He took it. Angel was so scared that he grabbed Devils tail, ripped it of him and fled. When the Angel went in Gods chambers God was sleeping. Therefor Angel took the chance and placed Devils tail in front of God instead of Adams rib. When God woke up He was so sleepy that He didn't see what was in front of Him and started the creation of woman.
That's only one of the examples that show us that Devil was not that bad. -_-

Spirits, Beigns, Mythology

When the child is born, three Demons are entering the blessed home. The three Deamons are female, and they're sisters. They are known as "Suđenice"(translation is closest tu 'judges'). The oldest one is believed to be "prelja: (transl. spinster). It's believed that she spins silver threads that determine childs lifetime. The middle sister collects threads into "sukalo" (transl. hank). The youngest one's task is to cut the thread when she wants.

Black magic creatures known as "babice" ( transl. grannies ) are the creatures of knight. They are luring in their black dresses trough the night and trying to steal babies clothes. That's why babies clothes is never being dried during the night, and that's why babies have red thread tied on their right hand.

Another way of protecting the baby is the forming of a magical circle. It's creation is simple. Milk and flour are needed for the ritual. In this ritual You walk arround the babies bed splashing the milk or flour in front of You. While doing this these words are said: " Čim se dete hrani, time se i brani ".

Now, to get ack on the theme....


EARTH - Vlachs demons are mostly women. The superior Demon is believed to be "Muma Paduri" (transl. Big Mother). She's believed to be the kindest and the most evil creature. She loves women, protects them from men and often does harm to men who are not threating women the way they should. It's believed that any girl can summon Muma Paduri if she comes out during the full moon night with a mirror on her belt. When she makes sure that no one is watching her she should turn towards the light and start to watch her image in a mirror so deeply until it starts fading. In that moment young girl starts imaginating her chosen ones face. That's one of the love magic's rituals. Another custom connected to Muma Paduri is deathman's ring. It's believed that the guy always falls in love with a girl who looked at him trough dead mans ring.
It's believed that Muma Paduri had a husband called "Padurioul".

WATER - there are 100 water spirits ruled by Tartor (other name - al batrn). He's a shape shifter as well as Muma Paduri. It's believed that his activity is higher in the month of July. He's believed to be the main reason of deaths by water. He's hard to summon, he'll find You if he needed You. It's said that children born on Saturdays are safe from drowning because that's the day when he's resting.

FIRE - The Lord of Fire ZMEU. It's believed that he's a Dragon. There is more than one Zmeu. It's believed that a snake that was never seen by humen eye becomes a Zmeu after 40 years. Zmeus are believed to protect vilages nearby. They are friends with the Wind and Earth Demons.

Deamons of ILLNESS - ŠUMILOR - there are three female deamons of illness. They manifest trough diseases and illnesses. It's believed that their magic's strength depends on skill of witches. There are plants of "avramasje" and "krstamasje" that can be used only by skilled witches. It's believed that this family of plants can heal any disease.

I'll stop my story about deamons here. For more information send me a PM.


In Vlach beliefs illegitimate child is not a sin, or a mistake. It's believed that children in mariages are an obligation, while illegitimate children are born from passion and love. Illegitimate child is believed to be closest to demigod. Illegitimate childs nail or cowlick is also used for amulets.

Miraculous babies

A child in mothers abdomen is believed to be an Angel. It gets human form when it gets in the outer world. If it gets out in the afterbirth it's believed that it's miraculous. That child brings happines to itself and everyone arround it or it has "urokljive oci" (transl. evil eyes). Children with evil eyes can cast spells even unintentionaly, by just looking at someone.

Vlachs also believe in vampires and other universal folk creatures.

Vlachs have many strong rituals. During them they fall in trances. It's scientificaly acknowledged that they fall in full trance because they don't even feel needles thrusted under their nails. The ritual I know about is RUSALJKE. Usally girls fall in trance listening this song:

“Baće v’ntu prst face
Mja dus un miros (Can't translate it, sorry)
Miroase la florj d’ f’n
D’ la m’ndra mja d’n s’n…”

During the trance they have supernatural strength and they use to spit on nearby people. Before they fall in trance a terrifying scream is heard. It's believed that evil spirits are entering the girl in that moment. Young men that surround her start singing this song:

“Op ša, jar aša!
Š ‘nk’ odate jar aša!
Aša b’la, jar aša!
Š’ d’n gure ej!
Aša b’la eeej!”

During this song many more customs are done to scare the spirits. They use Garlic( garlic is used in many rituals), wormwood and knives to drive away the spirits. Final step is bathing the girl in a river. After that she opens her eyes and can't remember anything. That's because the trans caused amnesia. These girls are known as "rusaljke", and they're a cult. It's believed that they date from one of the oldest religions ever. They always bring something from the other world when they wake up. After first trance they become clairvoyant, prophets, necromants or supreme witches.

There are many rituals in Vlaska Magick. They include Love Magic, Necromant Magick, Demon Summoning, etc. For information about them send me a PM or simply reply this post with a question.

I will single out some rituals that include Deadman's water (mentioned before).

Witches are extracting water from a deadman's bath. That water has great spiritual and magical value. It's believed that it can kill or revive.

- they cook turkish coffe with deadman's water and serve it to hostile people.

- they're making compote of plummes with that water and serve it to pregnant girls in order to kill their unborn children

While making these 'potions' they are saying words or singing songs ( "bajalice" )...

My grandmother has a grimoire that was handwritten but I still don't have acces to it. There's no universal grimoire.

That's all I could write for now. I'll update the post if You want to know more trough replies...


"Liberate tuteme ex inferno"

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