Headache after ritual

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Headache after ritual

Post#1 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 7:34 am

Hello first to everyone, I am new to this and I have something on my mind.
A couple weeks ago me and my 2 friends decided to practice witchcraft. (We are beginners and they (friends) know little about it, but I began researching a while ago about witchcraft and magic etc..)
Me and my friends, as we know little about witchcraft, we decided to make a introduction ritual just something to start with.
We went to a deserted park. I told my friend to draw a cirlce around us and to sit. I draw a triangle with salt heading to north and put 2 candles ant lit. in the middle of triangle was a cup of wine. We spoke the words ''Eko! Eko! Azarak.. for Cernunnos' and then each of us put a drop of blood in the cup and drink in circle. after that closed the circle and leave.
The interesting things starts tomorrow. I head a very hard headache and fever. Day after that, only headache. My friends also had headaches only and they sleep longer.
I wonder does that anything do with that ritual or something because it turned out later that I had a flew.. I am confused. after that we didn't do rituals just discussed. What do you think?

P.S. Sorry my English isnt much I am from Balkan :)

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