Speeding up Results from Evocation

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Fio Praeter Humanus
Posts: 461

Speeding up Results from Evocation

Post#1 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 8:55 am

Primarily I use angelic magick, and have always gotten very good results. About 90% of the time I get exactly what I request, down to the smallest detail. 5% of the time I get half of what I request if I try for multiple things, with the remaining 5% being total failure. Being the harshest of critics, I consider this pretty good.

The issue I have and have always had is the time till result, TTR. The fastest turn around was the next day, but that was with a familiar. The fastest turn around from an evocation was about two weeks. On average, I see the results around three months after the evocation.

Now part of this might be due to the kinds of things I go for. Generally it is not simple and requires small details with a bit of finesse. If it was simple I would just do it myself. But taking that aside is there any way to speed up the results? I know spirits have their own time scales but has anyone had success with speeding up the process?

Giving them deadlines doesn't seem to do anything. They agree to the deadline but it passes with no result. I write it down in my journal as a failure only to find it coming to pass a little bit later. I don't chalk this up to chance because even the small details I require are accomplished and this has happened time after time.

Any ideas or tips?

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